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39 <br />Fire Department HI-011ahts of Trainina 2006 <br />• Total staff for year avg. 26.75 — 4 people left the department, No new hires, End of year 24 on staff. <br />• Total staff training hours 3190 documented = 119.25 hours per person <br />• Continued 1"Responder Medical Refresher Training in house. Recertified through. the MN EMSRB <br />and conducted 4 classes to 4 firefighters and 25 police officers. The cost savings to the city is <br />conservatively 60% and has other benefits as well. Greater interoperability with departments, <br />employee convenience, and lower costs due to less overtime and parking were also realized. <br />• Contracted with HCMC EMS Education to have EMT Refresher Training delivered on site in the <br />evenings. The tuition cost remains the same but increased convenience and savings on parking and <br />overtime are realized benefits. Continues to work well. <br />• There were four officer drills conducted by Assistant Chief Drusch in 2006. The training was well <br />received and will be expanded upon in successive years. <br />• Fire Department Education and Training Program continues to grow. It has also allowed us to <br />respond to request for training from the public. Currently St. Anthony Healthcare Center contracts <br />with us to provide CPR refresher training to their staff, 4 classes done in 2006. The program has <br />potential to expand into other areas including Fire Extinguisher Training, OSHA Compliance, Fire <br />Safety, and many other areas. On -duty personnel do not lead the classes, so it does not take away <br />from the city's coverage and the class is not interrupted for emergency calls. We also completed a <br />fire extinguisher class for the Healthcare Center and 2-1" Aid classes for the Northeast Guardian <br />Angels. <br />• Two live fire training drills were conducted, 1 at Minneapolis and 1 at St. Paul. Both sites have <br />individual features that make training valuable. <br />• Other Drill Topics for the year included: Joint with Police (school shooter), Propane Emergencies - <br />Live Fire, Auto Extrication, Chimney Fires, Search and Rescue, Water Rescue Drill, Fitness Drills, <br />HAZMAT Training, and others. <br />• 4 Rookies completed training and were sworn in. <br />• Outside Classes: 9 Members completed 40 hour Rope Rescue Technician 1 and 2 class, 7 members <br />completed 40 hour Inspector 1 class & certification, NIMS Training completed by all members, 3 <br />attended state fire school in Mankato, and 2 sent 2 St. Cloud Emergency Driving School. <br />