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A summary of the required training per year: <br />• EMS Refresher- EMT 12 hours per year, lst Responder 8 hours per year. <br />• Fire Brigade Standard - 24 hours of fire related training per year. <br />• Live Fire Training - at least 1 session per year. <br />• HAZMAT - To maintain Operations Status 4-8 hours per year. <br />• Confined Space Awareness Training - 2 hours per year. <br />• PPE Drill with SCBA - Min. of 2 hours. <br />• SCBA Mask Fit Testing - takes about 15 minutes each <br />• Fitness / Medical Evaluation - We incorporate as part of a drill 2 hours. <br />• OSHA Compliance - All topics are refresher and take about 2-4 hours total <br />o Blood Borne / Air Borne Pathogens <br />o MERTKA - Minnesota Employee Right to Know Act <br />o Lockout/ Tagout <br />o Sexual Harassment Awareness <br />• Driver Operator Related - NFPA Standards and manufacturer recommendations <br />o Opticom review each year <br />o Driving Course every 2 years. <br />o Pumping Check Off every year <br />• Whenever we get new equipment it is incorporated into a drill to get everyone familiar with its use <br />and capabilities. <br />• Rookies complete about 120 hours of in house training before taking the Fire Fighter I Certification <br />Test. In addition they must complete a 135 hour EMT course. <br />