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31 <br />(11) Deliver to the City a sample ordinance that can be used to adopt the new code. In addition, upon <br />request, the Codifier will provide a copy of the completed code on computer disk in <br />WordPerfect or Microsoft Word compatible at no additional charge. <br />H. THE CITY SHALL: <br />(1) Provide clear copies of all materials necessary to perform the codification, including a copy of <br />any previously published code of ordinances, ordinances passed since the code was last updated, <br />City Charter if applicable, and completed code questionnaire. <br />(2) After receipt of the draft and legal report described in paragraph I (8), the City shall have 60 <br />days to review the draft and report and to return to the Codifier its answers to the legal report. <br />In the alternative, if the City opts for the legal conference described in paragraph III (1), it must <br />contact the Codifier's Staff Attorney within 60 days to set up a meeting date. The meeting, <br />itself, need not occur within the same 60 day period. If the City fails to either return its <br />comments and answers to the legal report within 60 days or, if applicable, to set up a meeting <br />date, the City may request that the Codifier extend the deadline in writing. The Codifier may <br />adjust the contract price to cover any increased costs due to the City's delay. Should the City <br />abandon the project prior to completion, it will be billed for a total of 80% of the base price. <br />(3) Pay to the League as a base price, the sum of $11,995 for its services, payable as follows: <br />10% down payment due upon acceptance of this agreement (invoice will be sent); <br />60% upon receipt of the draft of the new code; <br />The remaining balance upon receipt of the printed code books. <br />(4) The base price above is based upon a code of the following number of pages according to the <br />format option of the City. Should the final number of code pages exceed or be less than the <br />estimate by more than 5 %, the base price will increase or decrease accordingly at the time of <br />final invoice: <br />(5) Pay any invoices within 30 days of the invoice date. Invoices outstanding beyond the 30 day <br />period shall be subject to a late payment equal to 1.5 % of the unpaid balance per month, or part <br />thereof. <br />III. OPTIONAL SERVICES. <br />The City, by the initials of the person signing the agreement, chooses the following options: <br />INITIAL <br />(1) Legal Conference: <br />The Codifier's Staff Attorney (or the League's attorney if requested by the City) will meet with <br />City representatives to review the draft of the code and legal report. The City will pay for the <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />