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CC PACKET 04102007
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 04102007
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Last modified
7/30/2015 10:53:46 AM
Creation date
5/7/2014 2:21:48 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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Ordinance Summary
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Publication Newspaper
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Resolution Summary
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Staff Attorney' travel expenses from Cincinnati, Ohio (or the League's attorney's expenses from <br />St. Paul, Minnesota), including meals and lodging expenses, and this charge is in addition to the <br />base contract price. There is no additional charge for phone conferences. <br />(2) Code Format: <br />Print style (circle one): Single -column or Dual -column <br />(3) Three year supplemental service plan: <br />For a period of three years after delivery of the code: <br />(a) The Codifier shall: <br />1. Incorporate into the code new pertinent ordinances submitted by the City. <br />2. Revise or make additional entries to the table of contents and index as necessary to <br />reflect the incorporation of additional, changed or deleted material. <br />3. Within 45 days, deliver to the City 20 printed copies of supplemental pages with an <br />instruction sheet for directing the placement of the new pages in the code. <br />(b) The City shall: <br />1. Provide a copy of ordinances or resolutions passed subsequent to publication of the <br />previous code supplement; <br />2. Pay to the Codifier the sum of $18 per single column page or $22 per dual column page <br />which is re -printed for the supplement. <br />(c) Upon completion of the three-year period, this agreement shall automatically renew itself <br />from year to year except that either party may alter or cancel the terms of this agreement at <br />any time upon ninety days written notice. <br />(4) Additional Copies of Code: number of copies (with binders: Yes or No) <br />The Municipality may purchase additional codes at: $60 per copy or $45 without a binder. <br />(5) Code in Word Processing Program: <br />At no additional charge, the Codifier will provide the code on disk or CD in one of the following <br />formats (circle one): <br />WordPerfect or Microsoft Word compatible (formatting might be slightly different than <br />in WordPerfect file used to create code) <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />32 <br />
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