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(6) Folio Search and Retrieval proeram: <br />(a) The codifier shall provide the City's code in the <br />Folio format on CD with complete instructions <br />and one copy of a manual for $595. <br />Additional CD's are $10 each + $50 license fee ($60 each): #, <br />(b) Future Supplements of Folio Code: <br />(cost is in addition to editing charge for printed pages) <br />• Annual update: $195 includes up to 100 pages <br />CDs <br />• Six month updates: $150 for each 6 month period; includes up to 75 pages <br />• Quarterly updates: $100 for each quarter, includes up to 50 pages <br />Excess pages charged at $1.95 each <br />(c) Additional License Fees for a one-time fee of $50 each: <br />Order: # of additional licenses <br />(d) Optional On -Site Installation & Training <br />at $695/day + Travel Expenses: <br />(e) Code on the Internet (after Folio conversion) at $250 per year: <br />(7) Pamphlets: <br />(a) Pamphlets, sized for 81/2" x IV copy, containing component parts of the Code, with a <br />cardstock cover, may be ordered: <br />(circle desired topic and insert number of copies): <br />Traffic/General Offenses Code # of copies <br />Zoning Code # of copies <br />Subdivision # of copies <br />All Land Use Regulations # of copies <br />Other # of copies <br />(b) Cost: <br />1-50 copies of pamphlet — .075 per printed page <br />51-99 copies of pamphlet — .070 per printed page <br />100 or more copies of pamphlet — .065 per printed page <br />(c) Optional 3 -ring binders ($15 each) <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />33 <br />