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38 <br />STAFF REPORT <br />To: Mayor and City Council Report No.: <br />Mike Morrison, City Manager <br />From: Kim Moore -Sykes, Assistant City Manager <br />Date: June 12, 2007 <br />Subject: Re- Codification of City Ordinances <br />Background; Staff presented additional information to the City Council at the May 31, 2007 worksession <br />regarding the re -codifying of the City's Code of Ordinances, which was one of the goals identified at the <br />City's 2007 Goal Setting Retreat. The additional information focused on there -codification process through <br />American Legal Publishing, in association the League of Minnesota Cities. The scope of the work proposed <br />to be done under this estimated cost includes the following at an estimated cost of $11,995 plus any costs <br />incurred as part of the re -codification. <br />• Review of the City's current code of ordinances and all ordinances and resolutions passed <br />since the last codification, which city records indicate was done in 1993. <br />• Organize all information based on titles, chapters, sections and according to subject matter. <br />• Update the code to reflect current statutory and case law requirements, deleting unproper or <br />unlawful provisions. <br />• Simplify language where appropriate and convert to gender -neutral language where <br />necessary. <br />• Prepare a table of contents with sectional analysis and an index. <br />• Submit a draft of the updated code within six months of execution of contract and provision <br />of documents. <br />• 20 printed copies within three months of City's authorization. <br />In addition to the above-cited portions of performance and scope of work, Staff reported that the bid also <br />provides for other services that are deemed Optional Services, and which would be subject to additional <br />costs. The bid expires June 30, 2007 if the City chooses not to execute the agreement. <br />Additional Comments: The following comments/questions were directed to Staff regarding the updating <br />and re -codifying process. <br />• The Commissioners asked about font size. They were concerned that the font used would be too <br />large causing the City's code to exceed the 500 -page base price as stated in the bid proposal. The current City <br />Code is at approximately 392 pages; the font size is Times New Roman #12. This font seems to be the <br />standard format for most agencies and is the one used by the City. Also, at Section II (4), it states that the <br />number of pages will be "according to the format option of the City." Should the re -codified document <br />exceed the 500 -sheet base price, the additional cost would be approximately $18 per page beyond a 5% <br />tolerance for 500 sheets, single column page. <br />• In response to the Comrriissioners' concern about the City being precluded from putting the re - <br />codified code on the City's web site, Staff reviewed the list of cities provided by Mr. Ray Bollhauer, American <br />C:1Doeuments and Settings%arb.suciuEocal SettingslTeinporary Internet Fites�OLK24\061207 LMC recodification proposal <br />staff report .doe <br />