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Legal Publishing, and searched their sites. Several cities continue to have their city code on their own site; 9 <br />others have chosen to have American Legal Publishing host their city code. It seems to be an option rather <br />than a requirement. <br />• The Commissioners also questioned a license fee for the re -codification work and additional copies <br />of the City's code once the work was completed. The base price includes 20 printed copies of the revised <br />City code. The only licensure that Staff found that may be required is for the optional service, Folio Search <br />and Retrieval program. <br />• Council asked Staff if those ordinances that need to be revised should be revised prior to re - <br />codification of the City Code, Staff was advised that re -codification didn't necessarily need to be held up <br />until the revisions of some ordinances were completed.. American Legal Publishing understands that <br />revisions to ordinances is an on-going process and their current bid includes the option of including revisions <br />to the Code for up to three (3) years after the execution of the original contract. <br />Attachments: <br />0 Resolution 07 — 047 <br />Staff Reports from Mid Year Goal Setting <br />Cover letter and Proposal of Re -Codification from the League of Minnesota Cities <br />C:1Documents and Settingslbarb.suciuEocal SettingsUemporary Internet Files1OLK241061207 LMC recodification proposal <br />staff report .doc <br />