<br />SCORE FUNDING GRANTS are provided to municipalities in Ramsey County. Grants are provided to a municipality pursuant to an
<br />agreement between the County and municipality following application for a grant by the municipality. The grant funds are capped for each
<br />municipality, and are calculated on a per capita basis.
<br />Submitting a Grant Application
<br />The municipality must complete a grant application which includes the following information
<br />1. A description of measurable goals and objectives for waste reduction and recycling activities in the municipality;
<br />2. A description of proposed uses for SCORE grant funds and a budget itemizing proposed costs;
<br />3. A copy of the municipality's budget for all recycling activities, including funding sources; and,
<br />4. A resolution from the governing body of the municipality requesting the funding allocation, or a certified copy of the official proceedings
<br />at which the request was approved.
<br />The application deadline is November 1, 2007.
<br />Applications will not be reviewed until they are determined to be complete. An application is considered complete when items 1 —4 above
<br />are submitted and a signature is on file.
<br />Eligible Expenses
<br />General Information
<br />• SCORE funds are granted by the State to the County. Ramsey County must follow Stale law that sets out restrictions on how fund:
<br />may be used, including how funds are used by grantees. Inappropriate uses may result in the County (and, by extension, grantees
<br />receiving less funding.
<br />• SCORE funds can only cover expenses that are not reimbursed by another source (e.g., clean-up fees, recycling service charge,
<br />outside grant program, etc.).
<br />• Changes from the budget adopted in the grant agreement are possible (such as moving money from one budget area to another,
<br />replacing a project in the budget with a new one, etc.), but requests to do so must be made in writing. County staff must obtain the
<br />County Manager's written approval to change the budget once the agreement is signed.
<br />Creative and innovative ideas are encouraged! Do not let these guidelines limit your ideas.
<br />Equipment:
<br />All equipment must remain the property of the Municipality. Examples of eligible expenses include:
<br />Purchase or lease of equipment used only for collection and transportation of recyclable materials, or collection and storage of
<br />recyclable materials at municipal drop-off centers (e.g., trucks, storage containers, sorting equipment, etc.)
<br />Recycling collection containers, bins, totes, bags, etc.
<br />• Purchase or lease of computerldata processing equipment used for managing recycling data (e.g., bar coding equipment, etc.)
<br />Recycled content products that contain post consumer waste (not just pre-consumer/post-industrial recycled content), but only the
<br />'.premium," if any, above the price of a comparable virgin product (examples of eligible recycled content products include plastic lumber,
<br />plastic picnic tables, copy paper and other office supplies, paint, glass road aggregate, garbage bags, carpet, building materials, etc.)
<br />Brush/wood waste chipping equipment: purchase, rental, maintenance expenses
<br />• Equipment that results in waste reduction, approved on a case-by-case basis
<br />Promotion:
<br />Materials must address waste/toxicity reduction, recycling, recycled products, composting, clean-ups, or other waste -related issues to qualify
<br />for SCORE funding. Materials should identify GreenGuardian.com as a resource. Audiences may include businesses, residents, and
<br />municipal employees. Examples of eligible expenses include:
<br />• Production and distribution of printed materials (e.g., "how to" recycling guides or brochures, waste reduction posters, recycling
<br />reminder lawn signs, etc.)
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