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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />September 25, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Councilmember Stille commented this industrial area has become more office building focused. <br />He stated a daycare is not necessarily perfect, but as it is discussed, further it could be sorted out <br />as to its appropriateness in the industrial area. <br />Mayor Faust stated the antenna was disapproved not because a daycare in the area, rather it was <br />that due diligence was not done by 'I' -Mobile. He stated an antenna could be placed in a light <br />industrial zone and is something to consider. IIe stated there is time to discuss this in detail. <br />9 Councilmember Horst clarified his position in that the daycare was a major topic during the <br />10 discussion of the antenna. <br />11 <br />12 Commissioner Jensen stated the Planting Commission had guidance from staff that this would <br />13 not require three readings. He stated the Planning Commission was comfortable with the one <br />14 reading concept or whatever the Council decided. <br />15 <br />16 Mayor Faust replied Council felt it would be better to do the three readings. <br />17 <br />18 Commissioner Jensen commented the Comprehensive Plan is out for review and commented the <br />19 existing buildings in this location might be better served designated as an office zoning would <br />20 than leaving it in the light industrial category. <br />21 <br />22 Motion carried unanimously. <br />23 <br />24 Mayor Faust reported the second reading would be on October 9, 2007. <br />25 <br />26 VI. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. <br />27 <br />28 A. Res tion 07-067• Sixth Amendment to a Redevelo menu reement for Silver Lake <br />29 Village <br />30 <br />31 Ms. Stacie Kvilvang, L ers & Associates, reported at on November 14, 2006, the City <br />32 approved a fifth amendme to the Redevelop Contract with Apache Redevelopment LLC. <br />33 She stated the amendment ext e ed the dat to commence construction of the residential <br />34 condominium buildings by one ye to ptember 1, 2007 for building #3 and September 1, 2009 <br />35 for building #4, and it split the TIF G note into two notes. <br />36 <br />37 Ms. Kvilvang reported that ie developer is king with their lender on the financing package <br />38 for building #3 and ant 'pates beginning constru 'on by the summer of 2008 and beginning <br />39 construction of buil 'ng #4 by the summer of 2009. e reported that, based upon this new <br />40 schedule, the de oper has requested that the dates appro ed as part of the Sixth Amendment be <br />41 changed to S tember 1, 2008 for building #3 and Septera ei 2009 for building 114; a one year <br />42 :Zviilvang <br />43 <br />44 stated that due to the increased value, this additional one- ear delay would not <br />45 jeopardize or decrease the amount of TIF that would be required to satisfy titrequired PAYG <br />46 TIF Notes pursuant to the original Development Agreement. <br />1R <br />