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23 <br />1. Appropriate Licensure Required. City Ordinance defines daycares as <br />facilities regulated by state law where adult supervision and care is <br />provided for three or more children. Chapter 245A of the Minnesota <br />Statutes requires licensure for such facilities. <br />2. 'Traffic Control. Off-street loading areas shall be provided on site and <br />designated for the forward travel of vehicles both on entering and leaving <br />the premises. This access should be easily navigated in and out with <br />allowance for the safe drop-off or pick-up of children. This pick-up and <br />drop-ff area shall be close to the building. Walkways should be installed <br />to provide safe movement between the facility and the loading and/or <br />parking areas. <br />3. Parking. Required parking shall included one space for each employee <br />on the largest shift; all spaces must be at least 9 feet by 19 feet; spaces <br />must be. clearly marked and outlined; and at minimum, one visitor space <br />for every ten children. At a minimum, the applicant is required to <br />provide 66 spaces; the site plan shows 77 spaces. <br />4. Signs. Signs are permitted as allowed in Chapter 14, Section 1400.09 and <br />1400.12. Subd. 3 of the City's Code or as otherwise approved by the City. <br />5. PlayArea. The area for a designated play area must be adequate for the <br />number of children at the daycare facility and according the any <br />requirements of state licensure. This area must be fenced and secure. <br />Walkways should be installed to provide safe movement between the <br />facility and the play area. <br />6. Text Amendment Approval. Approval of this Conditional Use <br />Permit application will be contingent upon successful completion of the <br />required readings for an Ordinance'Text Amendment and Council <br />approval of the amendment. <br />The Conditional Use Permit applies only to the land as specifically described <br />below: <br />The property is located at 2812 Anthony Lane South and is legally described as follows: <br />Lot 2, Block 2, St. Anthony Business Park Addition, to the City of St. Anthony, <br />County of Hennepin. <br />F:\Planning\Findings of Fact\Findings of Fact FormatJack & Jill 10162007.doc <br />