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CC PACKET 04082008
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CC PACKET 04082008
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City Council
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 25, 2008 <br />Page 10 <br />City Manager Morrison requested clarification that the concern is to classify the properties under <br />discussion as rental because they can create some of the same problems as normal rentals, and <br />that therefore regulation is needed over these properties. <br />Mayor Faust stated his concern that if money is not exchanged the property may not be <br />considered as a rental, but there may be someone in the house that has no interest in being a good <br />neighbor. <br />9 City Manager Morrison advised with the adoption of this ordinance they are also adopting the <br />10 1PMC, which gives the City more teeth even if a property is not classified as a rental. He <br />11 indicated this may be a preferred method to regulate these types of properties, and is something <br />12 to look at with the consideration of the proposed amendment. He stated once this ordinance is <br />13 adopted there will be consideration of a fee schedule. Rental dwelling fees will increase, which <br />14 will pay for one or two part time code enforcement officers. <br />15 <br />16 Mayor Faust pointed out Section 1336.09, Conduct on Licensed Premises, requires that hearings <br />17 for the first, second and third violations would be before the City Council. He pointed out this is <br />18 a departure from what is currently done, with most zoning issues being handled by the Zoning <br />19 Administrator, which is the City Manager. <br />20 <br />21 Motion by Councilmember Stille, seconded by Councilmember Roth, to approve First Reading <br />22 of Ordinance 08-003; Housing Code Ordinance. <br />23 <br />24 Motion carried unanimously. <br />25 <br />26 Mayor Faust noted at one time the Council had discussed that the Sign Ordinance and Housing <br />27 Code Ordinance would be handled at separate times. However, there is a sense of urgency to <br />28 complete these ordinances and get code enforcement officers in place. He directed the City <br />29 Manager to bring these ordinances forward and include them on the agenda of the next City <br />30 Council meeting. <br />31 <br />32 F. Resolution 08-024; Adopting the Emergency Plan of the North Suburban Planning Group <br />33 as the Emergency. Plan for the City of St. Anthony. <br />34 <br />35 Fire Chief Malenick reviewed the resolution with the Council and indicated that it is requested <br />36 that the proposed Emergency Plan be adopted for the City. The Plan is generated by the federal <br />37 government under Homeland Security Directive No. 5, which requires that all levels of <br />38 government work efficiently and effectively together during disaster management. He explained <br />39 it is recognized that most disasters start locally, but response, recovery and mitigation are almost <br />40 always regional. Most recently they have seen the I -35W bridge collapse where the City of <br />41 Minneapolis became overwhelmed, hence the push from the federal government to develop <br />42 regional rather than local plans. Fire Chief Malenick stated the Emergency Plan describes the <br />43 basic strategies and mechanisms through which the cities will mobilize resources and conduct <br />44 activities to guide and support emergency management efforts using the National Incident <br />45 Management System (NIMS). <br />46 <br />10 <br />
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