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0 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 25, 2008 <br />Page 9 <br />possibility of a situation such as children inheriting a house when an elderly person passes away <br />and allowing a family member to live there without paying rent. He suggested Section 1336 be <br />amended to state: Rental and Non -Owner Occupied Dwelling. <br />City Attorney Lindgren suggested the Mayor's concerns may be addressed with the following <br />amendment: Subdivision 22, Rental Unit: A dwelling or dwelling unit for rent or lease in <br />exchange for monetarypnrunt. <br />9 Mayor Faust stated with some of the foreclosures people may allow others to live in a property <br />10 without exchanging money. These properties could be as big of a problem as a rental property. <br />11 He stressed the need to look at all of the potential properties and noted there are many non - <br />12 homestead properties in the City that may or may not be rentals. <br />13 <br />14 Fire Chief Malenick noted without the exchange of money a property would not be classified as <br />15 rental, but would still need to comply with the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). <br />16 <br />17 Mayor Faust explained he is suggesting that the properties under discussion should be included <br />18 in the licensing requirements. <br />19 <br />20 City Attorney Lindgren suggested the following amendment to Subdivision 22, Rental Unit: A <br />21 dwelling or dwelling unit let for rent or lease, or which is occupied by someone other than the <br />22 owner. <br />23 <br />24 Councilmember Roth questioned the effect of this type of amendment would have on people that <br />25 leave for the winter and allow someone to watch their house, and how this type of situation <br />26 would be regulated. He questioned if property owners would need to get a permit to allow <br />27 someone to live rent free and take care of their house. He pointed out possible situations of a <br />28 foreclosure home that has been purchased on a sheriff s sale, and that by law the owner of that <br />29 house can live there for an additional six months before being forced to leave. He questioned if <br />30 the individual that purchased the home on the sheriff's sale would need a permit to allow the <br />31 person that is delinquent on payments to stay in the house. <br />32 <br />33 Mayor Faust stated his opinion that this proposal would protect the future buyer. I -Ie commented <br />34 he has seen many houses trashed by people on their way out. <br />35 <br />36 Councilmember Roth stated he agrees with the intention of what is being proposed, but wants to <br />37 ensure that every angle is considered so they have a law that can be enforced but is reasonable. <br />38 <br />39 Councilmember Gray stated his position that the suggested amendment may be something to <br />40 look into, but may be overly restrictive. He is not certain he would be in support or requiring <br />41 property owners to obtain a permit in order for a family member to live at their home for one <br />42 year. <br />43 <br />44 Mayor Faust suggested that a timeframe of one year could be allowed for family members. <br />45 Councilmember Roth suggested a timeframe of six months. <br />46 <br />0 <br />