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CC PACKET 04082008
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CC PACKET 04082008
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City Council
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 25, 2008 <br />Page 8 <br />Assistant City Manager Moore -Sykes replied this would be handled under the permitting <br />process, but regulations do not specifically list what would happen. Generally, if the sign is in <br />violation it is removed by code enforcement. <br />5 Following discussion on regulations relating to political signs, City Attorney Lindgren advised <br />6 under State Statute there is one set of restrictions from August until 10 days after the general <br />7 election. This would apply on even numbered years. The City ordinance regulates during the <br />8 City election cycle, which falls during odd numbered years. He advised the federal standard <br />9 requires that at any time there is a limit of a six-foot sign on your own property. There is <br />10 allowance to go beyond this during the election cycle. He advised if someone wanted to post one <br />11 nonconforming sign limited to six square feet at any time on any piece of property, this <br />12 ordinance would likely allow that, but if they were to want five signs it would only be allowed <br />13 during the election time period. <br />14 <br />15 Councilmember Thuesen noted the Federal Trade Commission limits language that can be used <br />16 on radio and television. He asked if language can be limited on signage. <br />17 <br />18 City Attorney Lindgren replied in the negative. <br />19 <br />20 Motion by Councilmember Gray, seconded by Councilmember Stille, to approve First Reading <br />21 of Ordinance 08-002; Sign Ordinance. <br />22 <br />23 City Manager Morrison indicated the paragraph previously included in Subd. 27, Non - <br />24 Commercial Speech, relating to the 30 day time period for political signs on non -state election <br />25 years, was removed because the City is authorized by the state to run an election on odd years. <br />26 <br />27 Consensus of the City Council was that the above paragraph should remain in Subd. 27 of the <br />28 ordinance. <br />29 <br />30 Motion carried unanimously. <br />31 <br />32 F. Ordinance 08-003; Housing Code Ordinance (first reading) <br />33 <br />34 Fire Chief Malenick reviewed the ordinance with the Council and indicated that last year with <br />35 the Council's goal setting, the decision was made to re -codify the city ordinances. He was <br />36 directed to take the opportunity to look into changes in the Housing Code Ordinance. He advised <br />37 the proposed changes are influenced by current socio-economic and demographic changes in St. <br />38 Anthony over the past few years. There has been an increase in rentals in apartment buildings <br />39 and single-family homes. Also, more recently there has been a sharp spike in foreclosures and <br />40 concern that these homes may not be cared for appropriately, resulting in the need to beef up the <br />41 ordinance. Fire Chief Malenick reviewed the proposed changes to the Housing Code Ordinance. <br />42 He indicated it should be noted that he intends to appoint a new deputy code official to work on <br />43 property maintenance in June. <br />44 <br />45 Mayor Faust stated it is a departure for the Council to manage rentals. As the world changes they <br />46 need to be able to license and do the types of things that are needed. He pointed out the <br />
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