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25 <br />Barb Suck <br />From: Kim Moore -Sykes <br />Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 200£3 10:54 AM <br />To: Mike Mornson; Barb Suciu <br />Subject: FW: I will serve on the single hauler task force <br />---- Original. Message ----- <br />From: Bob Heberle <br />Sent: Wednesday, July 7.6, 2006 10:52 AM <br />To: Kim Moore -Sykes <br />Subject: I: will serve on the single hauler task force <br />Kim, <br />:I: am genuinely interested in serving on a task force to consider the <br />single hauler .issue because of my strong ,interest to see that good, <br />exemplary service is recognized and rewarded. <br />L am a retired Minneapolis teacher who has resided in St. Anthony <br />Vi.l.l.age for over twenty years. I could add that to the best: of my <br />knowledge, E have never missed an election of any kLnd in all of <br />those years. f have also been a strong supporter of school bond <br />elections to see that our community retains it necessary reputation <br />as an excellent school. system. <br />1 have no vested i- merest monetarily or relationship with any company <br />or employee of any company. I am only a consumer of their_ services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Bob Hebetle <br />®�dk <br />>Dear. Bob - Thank you for your interest in the single hauler task force <br />>and this issue. Please send me a return email indicating your interest <br />>i.n the task force and brief description of who you are and your contact <br />>i.nformation. <br />>Kim Moore -Sykes <br />>Assistant City Manager <br />>Ci.ty of St. Anthony <br />>612-782-3312. <br />