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26 <br />Barb Suciu <br />From: Kim Moore -Sykes <br />Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 4:01 PM <br />To: Mike Momsay Barb Suciu <br />Subject: FW: Task Force --Garbage Haulers <br />FYI <br />-..---- Original . Message __....... <br />L'rom: <br />Sent: Thursday, July 7.7, 2006 2:22 PM <br />To: Kim Moore Sykes <br />Subject: Task Force --Garbage Haulers <br />Kim, <br />As T mentioned on the phone, I am interested in being on the task force to study the <br />garbage hauling systems in St. Anthony. I was going to do some research on my own <br />regarding the various haulers anyway and then I saw that: you were wanting to do a study <br />for the city -- so 7: dnA ded I should volunteer. <br />I have been a resident of St. Anthou about 25 years and like the city and area. t live <br />across from <br />Doroth Jones <br />k k k # h k A''A 'A'A k AA <br />Get: the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the hive music scene in your area - Check <br />out TourTracker.,com! <br />( <br />