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CC PACKET 03102009
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CC PACKET 03102009
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />February 24, 2009 <br />Page 8 <br />1 <br />2 Mr. Hubmer provided an overview of the Arbors Alley Roadway and Utility Improvement <br />3 Project Feasibility Report and the proposed project schedule. <br />4 <br />5 Councilmember Gray inquired about the need for a second entrance for fire protection. Mr. <br />6 Hubmer explained the access off of Old Highway 8 is not wide enough for multiple emergency <br />7 vehicles to access the Arbors. The second access provides another location for emergency <br />8 vehicles to respond. <br />9 <br />10 Councilmember Roth requested clarification on whether City funds will be used on the <br />11 improvement project. Mr. Hubmer replied the project is 100% assessable to be entirely paid by <br />12 the benefitting property owners with no City contribution. He stated this project is not required to <br />13 be taken on by the City. The Arbors Townhome Community petitioned the City to begin this <br />14 process. He believes they are concerned about future expenditures on the alley. As opposed to <br />15 issuing a bond for this project there would be an internal loan that would be paid back through <br />16 the assessments. <br />17 <br />18 Mayor Pro Tem Stille noted it is difficult for an association like this to borrow from a bank. This <br />19 mechanism allows the association to have the property assessed. <br />20 <br />21 Mr. Bernard Grisez, resident at 2908 Old Highway 8, stated the developer of the project did not <br />22 disclose that the alley was connected to the Association. The Association found out about it <br />23 when there was a water main break that affected properties along Old Highway 8; it cost them a <br />24 lot of money to fix that break. The Arbors does not have access to the alley; it dead ends by <br />25 landscaping that is between them. hi addition, the Arbors has their own fire hydrant. The <br />26 Association would like the City to take this over because it is probably the only alley in the City <br />27 that is privately owned as far as they know. He pointed out that probably half the people in the <br />28 Association are retirees on fixed incomes. <br />29 <br />30 Mayor Pro Tem Stille questioned if the Association Board has approved this transfer of <br />31 ownership. Mr. Hubmer replied he is not sure if formal Board action was taken, but the City has <br />32 received a petition that mentions that ownership of the alley would be transferred to the City. <br />33 This would be necessary for the City to conduct the improvements and assessments. The <br />34 Association Board members have given staff the direction to go down this path. <br />35 <br />36 City Attorney Gilligan advised that the City would need interest in the property in order to <br />37 complete the project. <br />38 <br />39 Ms. Norine Jaros, resident at 2916 Old Highway 8, addressed the City Council and stated she is a <br />40 member of the Board of Directors of the Arbors of St. Anthony. She stated the Board confirmed <br />41 after their public hearing about three weeks ago that they want to go forward with the project. <br />42 There are a significant number of homeowners that have signed the petition to do the project; <br />43 they have the support of the majority of the people to do this and they would like to proceed <br />44 should the City Council approve this. <br />45 <br />
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