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® B UELL CONSULTING, INC. 20 <br />2324 University Avenue West, Suite 200 Site Acquisition <br />Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114-1854 Permitting <br />(651) 225-0792 Est. 1991 <br />Fox (651) 225-0795 <br />December 07, 2009 <br />Kim Moore -Sykes <br />Assistant City Manager - City of St. Anthony <br />3301 Silver Lake Road <br />St. Anthony, MN 55418 <br />Kim: <br />The following are responses to the questions on the City's Conditional Use Permit <br />Application: <br />1) A Wireless Telecommunication Facility is permitted as a Conditional Use in an <br />Office/Service zoned district. <br />2) Clearwire is an FCC -licensed entity providing high-speed internet access to customers. <br />Clearwire abides by all federal, state and local rules and regulations. Clearwire is adding <br />antennas and equipment to a rooftop in a commercial area already utilized by other <br />wireless communication providers. <br />3) Clearwire is requesting the CUP in order to install its equipment to operate its wireless <br />communications system, offering the residents of St. Anthony the ability to access the <br />Internet and transmit data with mobility and speed not currently offered in this market. <br />Although not its primary business, Clearwire will also offer internet access and phone <br />service through traditional fiber/data coax. This will increase the competition and <br />offerings provided to the citizens of St. Anthony. <br />I'd be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have. Thank you for your <br />consideration to this matter. <br />Sincerely, <br />Rob Viera <br />Site Acquisition Consultant for Clearwire <br />612.801.2228 <br />