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11 <br />STAFF REPORT <br />To: Mayor and City Council <br />From: I{im Moore -Sykes, Assistant City Manager oml� <br />Date: May 25, 2010 <br />Subject: Proposed PUD Amendment for Sign Plan for the Silver Lake Village <br />Requested Action: Approve Modifications to the Sign Plan and Amend Silver Lake Village <br />PUD Agreement <br />Date Application Received: April 30, 2010 <br />Property Address: Silver Lake Village <br />Zoning District: Commercial PUD <br />60 -Day Expires: June 29, 2010 <br />Waiver Letter Required: Yes Date Sent: No X <br />Future Action: Council Consideration on May 25, 2010, 7:00 PM <br />Background: Staff met with Ms. I3tenda Thomas, Vice President, Property Management, Doran Companies <br />and Dale Wenkus, architect to Doran Companies, to discuss the possibility of amending the sign plan of the <br />current Planned Unit Development Agreement that guided the redevelopment of the Apache Plaza into the <br />current Silver Lake Village. The purpose of this proposed PUD Amendment for Signs is to provide more <br />signage for the tenants at Silver Lake Village. <br />Ms. 'Phomas and Mr. Wenkus attended the April 20"' Planning Commission meeting to discuss their proposal for <br />additional signs during a Concept Review. They were also in attendance for the public hearing that was noticed <br />in the local newspaper and held at City Hall in the Council Chambers on May 18, 2010 at TOOPM. Ms. Thomas <br />and Mr. Wenkus presented information about their proposal to amend the Sign Plan of the Silver Lake Village <br />Planned Unit Development (PUD). <br />Ms. Thomas repotted that currently there are fifteen (15) tenants without space on any of the existing multi - <br />tenant signs. She indicated that they did try various ways to increase the signage for these tenants witli existing <br />signs but. they found that they needed to expand the current signs and add additional monument signs. She said <br />that they currently have 600 square feet of existing sign space; they determined that to accommodate those <br />businesses without Center signage, they need to add approximately 200 square feet.. <br />The modifications that are proposed included two (2) new grounds signs, one of which is a directional sign. One <br />new sign is to be located southeast cornet of the Walmart site along the west side of Silver Lake Road; the <br />directional ground sign is to be located on the south side of 39"' Avenue, on the cornet of Freedom Gas Station. <br />The other modifications discussed were to expand the existing Cub sign and the existing ground sign north of <br />39"' Avenue to provide signage opportunities for other tenants within the Center. <br />05252010 SIN PUD Amend Sign Council staff'report.doe <br />