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21 <br />Contract No. A101051 <br />AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF <br />HENNEPIN, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as <br />the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF ST. ANTHONY, a political subdivision of the State of <br />Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "CITY'; <br />WHEREAS, said CITY lies partially within the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN and <br />constitutes a separate assessment district; and <br />WHEREAS, under such circumstances, the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 273.072 and Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 permit the County Assessor <br />to provide for the assessment of property; and <br />WHEREAS, said CITY desires the COUNTY to perform certain assessments <br />on behalf of said CITY: and <br />WHEREAS, the COUNTY is willing to cooperate with said CITY by completing <br />the assessment in a proper manner; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained <br />herein, it is agreed as follows: <br />1. The COUNTY shall perform the 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 property <br />assessment for the CITY OF ST. ANTHONY in accordance with property assessment <br />procedures and practices established and observed by the COUNTY, the validity and <br />reasonableness of which are hereby acknowledged and approved by the CITY. Any <br />such practices and procedures may be changed from time to time, by the COUNTY in <br />its sole judgment, when good and efficient assessment procedures so require. The <br />