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Policy and Procedures <br />Remote Network Access —June 1, 2012 <br />standard. Proof of compliance is required prior to the assignment of a VPN account <br />and privileges. <br />❖ Consultants and contractors are limited to targeted hosts only. For example, a <br />contractor performing work on a HVAC control server shall have access only to the <br />host server running the HVAC software. <br />d• VPN users will automatically be disconnected from the City network after thirty <br />minutes of inactivity. The user must then logon again to reconnect to the network, <br />Pings or other artificial network processes are not to be used to keep the connection <br />open. <br />d• The VPN gateway is limited to an absolute connection time of 12 hours. <br />d• Contractors and consultants must understand that their computers are a de facto <br />extension of the City network, and as such, are subject to the same rules and <br />regulations that apply to city -owned equipment including, but not limited to, remote <br />examination and scanning by IT personnel. <br />Enforcement <br />Violations of this policy will be treated like other allegations of wrongdoing at the City. <br />Allegations of misconduct will be adjudicated according to established procedures. Sanctions for <br />inappropriate use on the City's network systems and services may include, but are not limited to, <br />one or more of the following: <br />Temporary or permanent revocation of remote network access privileges; <br />❖ Disciplinary action according to applicable the City policies; <br />❖ Termination of employment; and/or <br />d• Legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements. <br />❖ Consultants and contractors will be subject to legal action and including the payment <br />of fines and penalties may be incurred and immediate termination of all contractual <br />agreements. <br />Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) <br />The following success of the policy will be assessed annually using the following quantifiable <br />measures: <br />No security issues over this connection <br />No violations of this policy <br />Procedures <br />The following procedures should be followed to acquire VPN access: <br />Employees <br />13 <br />17 <br />