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18 <br />Policy and Procedures <br />Remote Network Access — June 1, 2012 <br />1. Employees must discuss the viability of remote access with their immediate <br />supervisor. <br />2. If the supervisor approves, submit a request for VPN services via the Online <br />Remote Access Request Form in the Help Desk Ticketing System <br />(http://helpdesk. <br />3. The IT Manager or delegate will review the request and determine the appropriate <br />access method. <br />Consultants and Contractors <br />1. Intention of user must be included with bid submissions and in final contracts. <br />2. A Remote Access Request Form for Consultants and Contractors must be <br />completed for each individual who will be utilizing remote access. <br />3. The IT Manager or delegate will review the request and determine the appropriate <br />access method. <br />Guidelines <br />❖ Always ensure that you comply with city computer security policies. <br />1. You are responsible for making sure you apply the same security to your remote <br />access connection as when connecting in your office. You bear responsibility for <br />the consequences should your access be misused. <br />2. Never provide your login or email password to anyone - not even members of <br />your family. Your City computer account and password is for your sole use. <br />3. You must select a password that complies with the City minimum standard and <br />keep it confidential at all times. <br />4. You must take all reasonable steps to make sure that your computer is physically <br />secure when logged in: e.g. do not leave it unattended without activating a <br />password protected screen saver. <br />5. Logins must not be automated on clients (i.e. you must not click on the <br />"remember my password" box). <br />•S Your client device used to connect remotely must be running security software and <br />be in a secure state. The following security related tools must be running and <br />practices be followed on all remote computing devices. <br />1. Anti-virus software, with daily updates enabled and full system scans <br />enabled. <br />2. Operating system must secure with the latest security patches, including <br />those for Internet Explorer. Windows Update must be enabled and set to <br />auto -install updates. <br />3. Spyware detection and removal software is required. <br />4. An active personal firewall system (hardware or software) is strongly <br />recommended. <br />14 <br />