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CC PACKET 02122013
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CC PACKET 02122013
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City Council
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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February 6, 2013 <br />Page 7 <br />6. Drainage calculations, storm sewer sizing calculations and information regarding the routing <br />of the building downspouts and roof drainage has not been provided by the Applicant. This <br />information must be submitted for review and approval. <br />7. A RCWD permit must be obtained by the applicant for the proposed development. <br />3. Ordinance Authority. The property is currently zoned "Planned Unit Development (PUD)". Title <br />XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section 152.206 (A): Revisions and/or Changes (Planned <br />Unit Development) states that: <br />(A) Minor changes in location, placement, and height. Minor changes in the location, placement, and <br />height of structures may be authorized by the Development Review Committee if required by <br />engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved and filed <br />with the Zoning Administrator. <br />The proposal is consistent with the location, placement and height as outlined in the PUD, the Phase <br />III Redevelopment Agreement, and the City's Comprehensive Plan. As such, because it has been a <br />few years since the City has last reviewed development within this PUD, and because the <br />Redevelopment Agreement has been modified throughout the years, although staff has interpreted this <br />to be a "minor change" we have determined that the Council should review the proposed site plan. <br />4. Conclusions. It appears that the Applicant has submitted adequate information to take action on the <br />requests. From a planning and engineering perspective, it appears that the proposed building and use <br />appropriately fit into the context of the existing and envisioned overall development master plan. The <br />Applicant has done a reasonably good job of detailing the building to help it relate to the overall <br />master plan theme, as well as the other existing buildings within the immediate area. The proposed <br />development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan's goals, objectives, and policies, as <br />well as the Silver Lake Village PUD Final Development Plans and Redevelopment Agreements as <br />previously approved and amended from time to time by the City. <br />POTENTIAL ACTION <br />I. Request Additional Information and Continue the Meeting. The Applicant appears to have <br />provided enough information for the City Council to make a decision to approve or deny the <br />request. Should the City Council request additional information from the Applicant, the City <br />Council should continue the meeting until a later time or send the item back to the Planning <br />Commission for further review. <br />2. Recommend Approval (with or without conditions). In the event of a recommendation for <br />approval (with or without conditions), the City Council may refer to Exhibit C, and may modify <br />the draft resolution for approval to include any conditions that it deems necessary. <br />3. Recommend Denial. In the event the City Council chooses denial of the request, it should direct <br />staff to prepare a resolution of denial to be brought back at a later meeting and clearly state its <br />reasons for the denial recommendation. It should be noted however, that this development has <br />been previously reviewed and approved as part of the overall PUD for the area, as well as <br />amended from time to time through the Redevelopment Agreements. While Staff is requesting <br />formal review and approval from the City Council, the proposed development is in line with <br />previous approvals granted for this site and the overall development. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Location Map <br />Exhibit B: Applicant's Application <br />Exhibit C: Draft Resolution — Approving the Site Plan <br />31 <br />
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