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CC PACKET 02122013
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CC PACKET 02122013
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7/30/2015 9:08:51 AM
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4/30/2014 4:40:38 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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30 February 6, 2013 <br />Page 6 <br />Sheet C3-1 - Grading Plan <br />1. All pedestrian ramps within road right-of-way shall be installed per Mn/DOT State Aid <br />standards and shall be constructed with ductile iron truncated domes powder coated red per <br />city standards. <br />2. The pedestrian ramp located at the southwest corner of 39°i Ave and Apache La should <br />contain an additional ramp to the north. This ramp should be constructed similar to the <br />existing pedestrian ramp located on the southeast corner of the intersection. It should be <br />noted this will require the existing hydrant to be relocated. <br />3. Add pedestrian ramps at the southwest and southeast corners of the intersection of 39th Ave <br />and the private driveway access located along the west side of the property. These pedestrian <br />ramps should be constructed similar to the existing pedestrian ramps located directly across <br />39°i Ave. <br />4. To remain consistent with St. Anthony's sidewalk and street light policy, two decorative <br />street lights will be required. Add one decorative street light along the south side of 39°i Ave <br />NE at the middle of the proposed block and add one decorative street light on the southeast <br />corner of the 39th Ave/private driveway access intersection. This work should be coordinated <br />with Edward Bieging at Xeel Energy Outdoor Lighting, (651) 229-2400. <br />Sheet C4-1 - Utility Plan <br />1. All ductile iron water mains shall be poly -wrapped per city standards. <br />2. The St. Anthony Village Fire Department and State Fire Marshall are currently in the process <br />of reviewing the plans. Any additional comments will be forwarded once they are received. <br />Sto•mwater Considerations <br />1. Salo Pond, the regional pond east of the proposed development has been designed to <br />accommodate runoff from the subject site — both for rate control and water quality. <br />2. Runoff from the parcel west of the proposed development is also tributary to Salo pond. The <br />original design was to extend the storm sewer through the center of the proposed <br />development to the western parcel. With the proposed building configuration this option is <br />not feasible without placing the storm sewer below the building. However, CB -2 located in <br />the north corner of the proposed parking lot has adequate depth for the future west parcel <br />connection. Storm sewer design calculations should be included in future submittals in order <br />to evaluate downstream capacity. <br />3. Biofiltration trenches are proposed to provide additional water quality treatment for the site to <br />meet Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) Rules. We recommend locating the trenches a <br />minimum of 10 -feet from the building based on Minnesota Stormwater Manual guidance. <br />Please provide a cross section showing the relationship between the biofiltration trenches and <br />building footings. These trenches appear to receive minimal surface runoff from the <br />proposed impervious surfaces and therefore provide limited benefit. <br />4. Plans must be revised to include the following additional erosion control best management <br />practices (BMPs): <br />• Inlet protection should be provide for all catch basins located on the streets, including <br />catch basins on 39°i Avenue, Apache Lane and 38'x' Avenue on both sides of the street. <br />• A note indicating Contractor shall sweep streets at the end of each working day or as <br />needed to remove sediment and debris. This work may be ordered by City Staff and will <br />be performed at the contractor's expense. <br />5. Documentation showing NPDES permit coverage must be provided to the City prior to start <br />of construction. <br />
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