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Eyl <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR <br />NEW VOTING SYSTEM ACQUISITION AND OPERATION <br />This Agreement is made by and between Ramsey County, through the Ramsey County Elections Office <br />(hereinafter "County"), and the cities of Arden Ilills, Falcon Heights, Gem Lake, Lauderdale, Little <br />Canada, Maplewood, Mounds View, New Brighton, North Oaks, North St. Paul, Roseville, St Anthony, <br />St. Paul, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, and White Bear Lake and White Bear Township (collectively <br />referred to as the "Municipalities"). <br />WHEREAS, the County and the Municipalities ("Parties") are "governmental units" as defined in Minn. <br />Stat. §471.59; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. §471.59, the Parties, through actions of their governing bodies, are <br />authorized to enter into a joint powers agreement for the exercise of commonly held or similar powers; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Parties entered into a Joint Powers Agreement in 2001 for the purchase and operation of <br />a new voting system, with a ten year term and automatic two year extensions; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the 2001 Joint Powers Agreement, the County prepares ballots <br />and compiles election results for all state, federal, county, municipal and school district elections for the <br />Municipalities; and <br />WHEREAS, efficient ballot preparation and the timely compilation of election results depend upon the <br />use of a uniform voting system throughout the County, and the use of a uniform voting system for all <br />elections enhances election judge and voter understanding of the voting process and helps to provide <br />equitable treatment for all voters, regardless of the type of election; and <br />W 1 IEREAS, Congress mandated the use of an assistive ballot marking device in all polling places and in- <br />person absentee voting locations for use by voters with disabilities, through enactment of the Help <br />America Vote Act of 2002 ("NAVA"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature mandated the central counting of all absentee ballots under <br />uniform state laws and procedures in Laws of Minnesota 2010, Chapter 194, effective in 2010; and <br />WHEREAS, the Parties have reached agreement on 1) the need to replace the existing voting system and <br />to implement a new voting system throughout the County in time for use for the 2014 state elections; and <br />2) the funding formula for the new voting system; and <br />WHEREAS, state funds for the acquisition and operation of voting systems originating from grants <br />received by the County under the Help America Vote Act must be expended by the County no later than <br />March 31, 2014, or be returned to the State of Minnesota; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, <br />the parties agree as follows: <br />Joint Powers Agreement fmNew Voting System -2013 Page 1 of 19 <br />