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I :: <br />I. PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this Joint Powers Agreement is to establish and describe the roles and <br />responsibilities of the County and the Municipalities in connection with the acquisition, <br />implementation, and operation of a new voting system for use throughout Ramsey County <br />("Project"), including equipment that will be owned and operated by the County and equipment <br />that will be owned and operated by the Municipalities. <br />IL COUNTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES -SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION <br />A. General <br />The County will provide the services, materials, and equipment necessary to procure and <br />implement a replacement voting system ("System") in Ramsey County, including <br />software, hardware, materials, ballot printing, and other services as further described <br />in this Agreement. Services may be provided directly by County staff or by outside <br />vendors, as determined by the County. <br />13. System Description <br />The System will have the following functionalities: <br />e The capability to create ballot styles for each precinct based on the <br />appropriate contests and candidates and to generate ballots by either creating <br />a print file that may be sent to a vendor or by printing ballots in the County <br />offices; <br />D The capability to program memory devices for each precinct for an election <br />that will, when inserted into a ballot counter or ballot marking device, <br />properly record the votes on ballots cast in that precinct, reject ballots that <br />are not from that precinct or which do not have the proper validation marks, <br />return to the voter ballots which contain an overvote or a crossover vote, and <br />perform all other actions required by the Minnesota election law; <br />Y The capability to count absentee ballots at a central location in the County or <br />at one or more Municipalities, at the option of each of the Municipalities, <br />and to generate reports noting the number of absentee ballots counted for <br />each precinct; <br />• The capability to accumulate votes on ballot counters located in each precinct <br />on election day, at other locations prior to election day, and from absentee <br />ballot counting centers, to protect voted ballots in a sealed ballot box; to <br />generate paper tapes of election results for review and certification by <br />election judges; and to electronically upload or transmit election results to the <br />County; and <br />• The capability to compile election results. from electronically transmitted <br />files from each precinct through use of the memory device which recorded <br />votes from the precinct and/or from the election result's tape; to create an <br />Joint Powers Agreement for New Voting System — 2013 Page 2 of 19 <br />