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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 1,2016 <br /> Page 6 of 10 <br /> involved. <br /> Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to send letter to the Washington County <br /> Board of Commissioners encouraging them to get involved. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Update on 180th Street/Foxhill Avenue Neighborhood Meeting held January 25, 2016 <br /> At the December 7, 2015 meeting, Council adopted a resolution respectfully declining the <br /> petition for improvements to 180a' Street/Foxhill Avenue and directing staff to schedule a <br /> neighborhood meeting to solicit input from the property owners about potential repairs and/or <br /> improvements. The meeting was held on Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7 p.m. at Hugo City Hall. <br /> City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained the project area and the concerns regarding the condition <br /> of the gravel roadway. He updated Council on the neighborhood meeting stating that topics for <br /> discussion were a potential paving project, assessments, and other options for improving the <br /> roadway. A paving project would cost $25,000-$28,000 per resident and had minimal support. <br /> Kennedy provided steps that included removing some of the surface material, combining it with <br /> coarse gravel, and applying dust control chemicals. This would be done in a test section. If it <br /> didn't work, they would look at reclaiming it, mixing it with new coarse gravel, and applying <br /> dust control. Future gravel contract would not include using the fine gravel. Next steps would <br /> be testing when conditions allow in May/June and communicating the process with the residents. <br /> The goal is to get the road in a condition that is maintainable as a reasonable road surface. <br /> The Mayor thanked a resident who sent an email with history of the street, which he appreciated. <br /> He stated he believed the City can rectified the road issue, and he asked for their patience. <br /> Update on 125th Speed Study <br /> At its September 21, 2015 meeting, Council approved a resolution authorizing MnDOT to <br /> complete a speed study between Goodview Avenue and CSAH 7 in response to a resident <br /> complaint on speeding on the road. <br /> City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an update to Council on this study, stating that a portion of <br /> 125th Street is currently unposted, which is not uncommon for that type of roadway; therefore, the <br /> speed limit is 55 mph. The study completed by MNDOT evaluated the road and collected speed <br /> data. Results showed that the 85 percentile speed, as measured by MnDOT, was 52 mph. Council <br /> could post it at 55 but it could encourage people to drive that speed. MnDOT recommended to <br /> leave it as an unposted road, determining that 55 mph is a reasonable. <br /> Council agreed to leave the road as is. <br />