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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 1,2016 <br /> Page 7 of 10 <br /> Update on Parks and Recreational Programs <br /> Parks Planner Shayla Denaway provided an update on the winter and spring recreational <br /> programs for 2016. Movie nights will be in January, February, and March. The sledding party <br /> will be on Saturday, February 27 from 1-3 p.m. at Oakshore Park. She explained the Consortium <br /> of Lake Area Senior Services and Hugo will be hosting a workshop seminar. The Kidz `n Biz <br /> event will be on April 30'b and Tour de Hugo on September 20. <br /> Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule a meeting to attend the Sledding Party on <br /> Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 1-3. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion on Concept Plan for LaValle Fields, LLC Apartment Proiect <br /> At its meeting on January 14, 2016, the Planning Commission reviewed and provided comments <br /> on a concept plan submittal for apartments on a parcel north of Keystone at LaValle Fields and <br /> west of Lions Park. The applicant decided to remove it from the Council agenda for this <br /> evening. There was no discussion or action taken. <br /> Discussion on Automatic Mutual Aid Agreements <br /> The Hugo Fire Department has been approached by the Lino Lakes Fire Department and the <br /> Centennial Fire Department to participate in Automatic Aid Agreements. <br /> Administrative Intern Taylor Richter explained the difference in the mutual aid agreements, that <br /> the Hugo Fire Department already participates in, and automatic aid, which would happen <br /> automatically when a certain type of call was made to dispatch such as a structure fire with <br /> confirmed flames seen. All of the fire departments participating in the automatic aid agreement <br /> would be notified at the same time from dispatch, and all would respond immediately, rather than <br /> Hugo having to take the time to request additional assistance in such instances. <br /> Taylor explained how the agreements could be personalized to fit each department. She provided <br /> many advantages, but a disadvantages was found that Automatic Aid Agreements would not <br /> likely affect ISO rating, which depend on several factors particular to each individual home. <br /> Taylor stated she had spoken with other departments who have automatic aid agreements and <br /> received positive comments. Agreement can be very specific or general, and staff would work <br /> closely with the fire department and dispatch. <br /> Fire Chief Kevin Colvard and Deputy Chief Compton were in the audience. Weidt asked if the <br /> tornado emergency in 2008 had to be called out. Colvard stated he had called them through <br /> dispatch. With auto mutual aid, all departments would have been alerted at the same time as <br /> Hugo, getting them to the scene sooner. Almost every structure fire results in mutual aid, and the <br /> computer aided dispatch system allows it to be done quickly. <br />