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G.6 Approve Hiring of Five Public Works Seasonal Employees <br />Each year, the Public Works Department hires seasonal employees to attend to a variety of duties <br />as needed by Public Works. Public Works Director, Scott Anderson, recommends Council <br />approve the hiring of Steven Thompson, Neal Nelson, Kraig Petee, Shannon Nelson, and <br />Richard Menne as seasonal employees to fill the Public Works Department summer staffing <br />needs for 2016. <br />H.1 Public Hearing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program <br />At the March 7, 2016 meeting, Council tabled the public hearing on the SWPP due to the lack of <br />time. As part of the City's MS4 permit Senior Engineering Technician, Steve Duff, will go <br />through the City's current Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) and update the <br />council on possible changes to the program and answer questions regarding the City's SWPPP. <br />As part of the SWPPP educational component, staff is recommending the City of Hugo become a <br />member of East Metro Water Resource Education Program at an annual cost of $2,500. Staff <br />recommends Council hold the public hearing and approve the membership to the East Metro <br />Water Resource Education Program. <br />I.1 Update on Oneka Lake Blvd/147t' Street Proiect <br />At the March 7, 2016, meeting, the Council held a public hearing on the Oneka Lake Boulevard <br />and 147th Street improvement project. Several residents spoke and many raised concerns on the <br />speed of traffic on the road. Washington County increased patrol during peak times as suggested <br />by residents. Staff will report on the recent speed enforcement efforts as well as an update <br />regarding a potential pedestrian crossing on Oneka Lake Boulevard and 147th Street. <br />K. 1 Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will update the Council on the activities of the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network to date. <br />M.1 Lunch with Tom Emmer on Friday, April 1, 2016 <br />The Forest Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will host a lunch with Congressman Tom Emmer <br />on Friday, April 1, 2016. The event will be held at Stella's on 97 from 11:45 a.m. —12:45 p.m. <br />The Congressman will address issues of legislative importance to businesses. Staff recommends <br />Council schedule this as a meeting if they would like to attend. <br />M.2 Food Shelf Pasta Dinner on Saturday, April 2, 2016 <br />The Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf will hold their 5th Annual Pasta Dinner to raise funds for <br />the new Food Shelf building. The dinner will be held at the Hugo American Legion on Saturday, <br />April 2, 2016, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Council has scheduled this as a meeting to attend. <br />M.3 Metro Cities Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2016 <br />Metro Cities will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at the University Club, <br />