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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON APRIL 6, 2015 <br />D.1 Approval of the Minutes for the March 21, 2016 City Council Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Approve Huio Good Neighbor Days Festival and Temporary Liquor License — Lions <br />Chair Dan Balthazor <br />The Hugo Good Neighbor Days 40th Anniversary Festival will be held Thursday, June 9th - <br />Sunday, June 12th. The Hugo Lions Club will run the event similar to past years. GND this year <br />will include a parade, music, food, beer garden, petting zoo, carnival rides and possibly <br />fireworks. There will also be a VIP tent and a vendor area. Chair Dan Balthazor from the Hugo <br />Lions Club will be in attendance to answer any questions the Council may have and will request <br />the Council co-sponsor the event by waiving the Special Event Permit and providing police <br />protection for the event, as in the past. The Lions are also requesting approval of a temporary <br />on -sale Liquor License for the event. Staff recommends Council co-sponsor the event by <br />waiving the Special Event Permit and providing police services and approve the Temporary <br />Liquor License. <br />F.2 Approve Flips 5K Color Run Special Event Permit— Event Coordinators Jill Engwer <br />and Sharon Hanifl-Lee <br />Flips Gymnastics Booster Club has applied for a Special Event Permit to hold a 5K Color Run <br />on Saturday, June 11, 2016. This event will be held prior to the Good Neighbor Days Parade that <br />morning, and will begin and end at Lions Park. City staff and the GND committee have worked <br />closely with Flips color run coordinators Jill Engwer and Sharon Hanifl-Lee on the details of the <br />event. Jill and Sharon will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the run. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the Special Event Permit for the Flips Gymnastics Club 5K Color <br />Run. <br />F.3 Forest Lake YMCA -Executive Director Sharna Braucks and Hugo Parks <br />Commissioner Ranell Tennyson <br />At its March 7, 2016 meeting, Council approved the appointment of Ranell Tennyson as the City <br />of Hugo representative to serve on the YMCA Board of Directors. Ranell and Executive <br />Director Shama Braucks will be in attendance to provide a construction update and information <br />on programming, partnerships, and becoming a member of the YMCA. <br />F.4 2015 Building Department Annual Report — Community Development Assistant <br />Rachel Leitz <br />Annually, a report is prepared on the years activities of the Planning and Building Department. <br />Community Development Assistant Rachel Leitz will provide the 2015 annual report. <br />G. l Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />