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G.2 Approve Escrow Agreement for Hugo Daycare Properties, LLC for Wetland Banking <br />The City Council approved the Growing Generations Daycare Site Plan and Frenchman Place 3rd <br />Addition Final Plat at its March 7, 2016, meeting. This included approval of the wetland <br />replacement plan to fill 3,680 square feet of wetland associated with the construction of the <br />parking lot for the daycare facility on property located at 14689 Victor Hugo Boulevard. The <br />applicant is proposing to use project specific wetland credits generated by the Rosemary Way <br />wetland mitigation completed in 2014. These credits are available for projects within the <br />Frenchman Place development; however, the credits are not yet certified for use. The wetland <br />credits are planned to be certified after monitoring over 5 years. WCA rules allow the LGU to <br />approve wetland replacements in advance of the credits being available when an escrow is <br />provided to the City to be used to purchase wetland bank credits in the event the credits are not <br />certified. The applicant is required to provide an escrow to the City in the amount of $10,150.00 <br />as a condition of approval for the development. The applicant has provided a draft escrow <br />agreement outlining that the escrow will be used to purchase wetland credits from a wetland <br />bank, if the project specific wetland credits are not certified. Staff recommends approval of the <br />Escrow Agreement between Hugo Daycare Properties LLC, Team Two Investments, LLC, and <br />the City of Hugo. <br />H.1 Approve Award of Bid for 2016 Dust Control Proiect <br />At its February 1, 2016 meeting, the Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise and <br />receive bids for the 2016 dust control project. Bids were received and opened on March 30th for <br />this contract. Public Works Director Scott Anderson will review with the Council the bids <br />received and make a recommendation to Council for the award of bid for the 2016 dust control <br />project. <br />H.2 Approve Award of Bid for 2016 Seal Coating Proiect <br />At its February 2, 2016 meeting, the Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise and <br />receive bids for the 2016 seal coat project. Bids were received and opened on March 30th for this <br />contract. Public Works Director Scott Anderson will review with the Council the bids received <br />and make a recommendation to Council for the award of bid for the 2016 seal coat project. <br />H.3 Review of Quotes for 2016 Gravel Road Resurfacing Project <br />The Public Works Department solicited quotes for the 2016 gravel road resurfacing project. <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson will present the quotes and make a recommendation to <br />council. <br />I.1 Update on Water Rebate Program <br />The City implemented the Water Rebate Program in January 2016. This program offers rebates <br />on efficient toilets, washing machines, irrigation audits, and irrigation controller replacements. <br />The City had received a grant from the Met Council Clean Water Fund for $36,000 and from <br />Washington County for $9,000 towards the rebate program. Staff will provide an update on the <br />success of the program thus far. <br />