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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 7,2016 <br /> Page 5 of 11 <br /> applications met the necessary requirements to approve the site plan. The recommended <br /> approval to the City Council. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution approving the <br /> site plan for the commercial building, subject to the conditions listed in the resolution. Adoption <br /> of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2016-5 APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR A <br /> DAYCARE BUILDING ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, FRENCHMAN PLACE 3rd ADDITION ON <br /> PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF FRENCHMAN ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 8) AND <br /> WEST OF EVERTON AVENUE. <br /> Approve Resolution Approving Final Plat for Frenchman Place 3rd Addition <br /> Amcon Construction Company, LLC., on behalf of Growing Generations Daycare, applied for <br /> final plat approval for a subdivision known as "Frenchman Place Yd Addition" for the creation of <br /> one lot. The property is generally located north of Frenchman Road and west of Everton <br /> Avenue. Staff recommended Council approve the final plat for Frenchman Place Yd Addition, <br /> subject to the conditions listed in resolution 2008-17. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br /> approved RESO 2016-6 APPROVING A FINAL PLAT ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH <br /> OF FRENCHMAN ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 8) AND WEST OF EVERTON AVENUE. <br /> Approve Installation of Playground Equipment in Fable Hills <br /> At their meeting of January 13, 2016, the Parks Commission approved a Parks Capital <br /> Improvement Plan. They included $50,000 for a neighborhood playground to be constructed in <br /> 2016. A park and playground in Fable Hill had been discussed at multiple meetings and <br /> included on previous CIPs for construction in 2018. Through park dedication, the City received <br /> park property in the Fable Hill Neighborhood, which was recently improved to include perimeter <br /> trees, park shelter, and irrigated open space. At their meeting of February 10, 2016, the Parks <br /> Commission recommended construction of a playground at the new park in Fable Hill with a <br /> budget that includes $50,000 from the Special Park Fund and $20,000 from the Fable Hill <br /> Homeowners Association. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approve the purchase and <br /> installation of the playground equipment at the park in Fable Hills. <br /> Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Fable Hills HOA for Equipment Donation <br /> At their meeting of February 10, 2016, the Parks Commission recommended approval of a draft <br /> Memorandum of Understanding with the Fable Hills Homeowners Association for the purpose of <br /> accepting a $20,000 donation towards a playground at the new park. The agreement includes the <br /> requirement that the City of Hugo provide the remaining costs for the playground and start <br /> construction in 2016. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approve the MOU with Fable Hills HOA <br /> for playground equipment donation. <br /> Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for Frenchman Place 3rd Addition <br /> The Growing Generations Daycare and Frenchman Place Yd Addition development includes a <br /> proposal to fill 3,680 square feet of wetland associated with the construction of the parking lot <br /> for the daycare facility. The applicant is proposing to use project specific wetland credits <br /> generated by the Rosemary Way wetland mitigation completed in 2014. These credits are <br /> available for projects within the Frenchman Place development; however, the credits are not yet <br />