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2014.01.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2014 CC Minutes
2014.01.21 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Planner Rachel Juba presented the plan to the Council and explained that the Planning <br />Commission held a public hearing on the request at their December 19, 2013 meeting. Residents <br />who spoke at the meeting were mostly concerned about views, construction of roads, phasing of <br />the project, and traffic. The Planning recommended approval of the applications. <br />Applicant Bill Lentsch talked about the lengthy steps taken to get this project where it is, and the <br />potential for the City to use water from the pond for the park. Bill said he had concerns about <br />not owning enough property to construct Finale Avenue to CSAH 8, and he talked about the <br />economics of the project. <br />Council Member Petryk wanted to know what is being done to exceed the City standards to <br />justify the granting of the PUD, and she wanted to see language on the storm water pond. She <br />also questioned the wetland impacts and whether there was going to be a management facility. <br />Bill Lentsch stated that the construction of buildings and materials used would create an upscale <br />neighborhood, though staff noted they had not seen the renderings of all buildings. A site plan <br />would also need approval. City Engineer Jay Kennedy said that staff reviews wetland impacts <br />and there were none with this project. Lentsch said there will be an onsite sales management <br />office. <br />Council Member Klein talked about the importance of the connection of Finale Avenue to CSAH <br />8, and he asked about the timing of the project. Bill stated he had been back and forth between <br />the Finale and 147th connection. He said he doesn't own the property. Bill said he had to move <br />Finale Avenue which resulted in less park land, and now they have to pay a park dedication fee. <br />He anticipated to start Phase 1 at the end of April, and does not know when the next phase will <br />begin. Once Phase 2 starts, all roads will need to be built. <br />Council Member Haas said the City expects something special with a PUD. There is broad <br />vision to redevelop downtown, and it is important where the road connections are made. <br />Another thing to consider is the increase in response calls from a senior care facility. He also <br />talked about the storm water reuse project and a need for a commitment to it. He said it was <br />important to be aware of the soils in the landscape plan. He wanted staff to work with Lentsch to <br />make the Finale connection work. <br />Mayor Tom asked about the roads. Lentsch stated that during the first phase, Finale from 145th <br />to 146th will be reconstructed with curb and gutter and widen with no assessments to property <br />owner; it would be paid for by the developer. The completion of 147th and the rerouting of <br />Finale Avenue around the park to Oneka Parkway is proposed to be done in phase two. <br />Council Member Haas asked City Administrator Bryan Bear about the long term goal of the area <br />and the downtown redevelopment plan. City Administrator Bryan stated there would be some <br />redevelopment on the south side of 145th with the north staying intact, and staff would encourage <br />the connection to be made at some time. Haas suggested that the City may do more to help him <br />make the connection to Finale giving consideration to the extra cost the developer incurred with <br />moving Finale around the park. Lentsch stated that he would have to acquire the land. Haas <br />talked about the roads and doesn't think 147th needs to be there (connected to Oneka Parkway). <br />
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