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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />Approval of Minutes for February 26, 2014 Business Networking Breakfast <br />Bronk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the minutes for the February 26, 2014 <br />Business Networking Breakfast as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of the Agenda <br />Weidt made motion, Bronk seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Swearing in of Safety Captain Bob Bieniek and Engineers Matt Richardson and Doug <br />Millard <br />At its February 3, 2014 meeting, the Council approved the appointment of the Bob Bieniek as <br />Safety Captain and Doug Millard as Engineer on Hugo Fire Department. Fire Chief Kevin <br />Colvard conducted the swearing in of Bob and Doug to their new positions. Firefighter Matt <br />Richardson was not available because he was responding to an emergency call. Matt will be <br />sworn in at a future meeting <br />Approval and Swearing in of Quality Assurance Lieutenant Ross Hoernemann, <br />Administrative Lieutenant David Jensen and Safety Lieutenant Jim Roettger <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard recommended the approval of the appointment of Ross Hoernemann as <br />Quality Assurance Lieutenant, David Jensen as Administrative Lieutenant, and Jim Roettger as <br />Safety Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire Department. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve Ross Hoernemann as Quality Assurance <br />Lieutenant. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard conducted the swearing in of Ross as the <br />new Quality Assurance Lieutenant. <br />Weidt made motion, Bronk seconded to approve David Jensen as Administrative Lieutenant and <br />Jim Roettger Safety Lieutenant. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard conducted the swearing in of Jim as the <br />new Safety Lieutenant. Dave was not present, and he will be sworn in at a future meeting. <br />Fire Department Annual Report — Fire Chief Kevin Colvard <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard presented the 2013 Fire Department Annual Report to the Council. <br />Kevin provided a breakdown of the 601 calls the Department responded to in 2013. <br />Approximately 80 percent of the call were rescue and medical calls. He spoke about their <br />