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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 7, 2014 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein updated the Council on the activities of the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network to date. Haas provided to Council a copy of the pictorial history of the Hugo <br />Yellow Ribbon Network. The Arcand Family/Oneka Ridge Golf Course was the sponsor of <br />Hamburger Night in March with 247 people served. April's sponsor is May Township. The <br />YRN hosted the 850th Horizontal Engineer Company at Wild Wings on Saturday, April 5, 2014. <br />The YRN is working with Habitat for Humanity on a veteran's component to the Hugo project, <br />thanks to Pete Peterson. The Hugo Lions invited the Hugo YRN to make a presentation at a <br />meeting with Centerville, Forest Lake, and the Lino Lakes Lions Clubs. <br />Update on Water Supply Advisory Committee and Metro Cities Meeting <br />Council Member Haas provided an update on the Water Supply Advisory Committee. He said <br />the committee receives a series of informational reports; they are getting info but not giving any <br />advice. Haas expressed concerns about the process and plan based on enabling legislation of the <br />committee, and there was concern among the group of municipal representative whether the <br />committee is morphing onto a regional water planning group. There are only five municipalities <br />on the committee, and no one is making comments as how this will affect the region's residents <br />or participating in any decision making or giving any advice. There needs to be more cities <br />involved as well as the watershed districts. <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule a meeting to attend the Metro Cities Annual <br />Meeting on April 24, 2014 at the University Club in St. Paul <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to write a letter to Metro Cities suggesting <br />they work on a legislative proposal to include more municipalities on the Metropolitan Water <br />Supply Advisory Committee. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried <br />Haas said he heard a presentation by DNR where they talked about an augmentation plan for <br />White Bear Lake that would put two billion gallons of water a year into the lake. It would cost <br />$50-$55 million to construct and $6 million per year to operate, and only 14% of the water <br />would stay in the lake due to infiltration and evaporation. <br />Haas talked about the book "The Big Thirst" by Charles Fishman, and he suggested the Council <br />read it. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to purchase the book for the Council. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />