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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 7, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve changes in the policy statements as outlined in <br />the revised stormwater management plan. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Broadband Committee <br />At its April 1, 2013 meeting, the Council established a committee with residents in the rural <br />areas of Hugo who are underserved in high speed internet connection to work together on a <br />solution. Council Member Klein was appointed as the Chair of this committee. Over the past <br />year, the committee has been working with the City's cable provider Comcast and phone <br />provider Century Link to determine what areas are served and with what speeds. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that wired service is faster than wireless, and most <br />residents can choose between Comcast and Century Link for service except those in the rural <br />area. Governor Dayton had set a goal of extending broadband service to the entire state by 2015. <br />Staff has been following developments at the legislature on several bills relating to this issue. <br />Bills include $25 million in funding to extend service to unserved and underserved areas, and <br />$450,000 for mapping of the state. Staff has also been in discussion with Washington County <br />and will be meeting with the Office of Broadband. <br />Council Member Klein talked about how cost is a factor and that changes need to be made at the <br />state level. <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff reach out to legislators to support funding <br />and policy changes to make internet business more competitive between providers. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Library Committee <br />At its September 16, 2013 meeting, Council listened to a presentation by Washington County <br />Library Director Pat Conley and Library Chair Judy Bull on the services provided to Hugo <br />residents and concluded a subcommittee should be established to further evaluate the level of <br />service the City receives. At its October 21, 2014 meeting, Council appointed Council member <br />Haas to the Committee with Council Member Petryk as an alternative. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that over the past six month, the committee has met <br />several times, including meetings with representatives of the White Bear Lake School District <br />and County Commissioner Fran Miron. Bear said he feels we now have new collaboration <br />between the schools and the library, and coordination is occurring between them. Also being <br />discussed was possible use of the school buildings by the library. The schools are well suited to <br />be used after hours. The County Board is expected to authorize a strategic planning study to <br />determine the future of libraries. <br />Haas stated that he thought it was good that the library was taking a step back and looking at a <br />strategic plan. It is realized that the library needs a new vision. No formal action was taken. <br />