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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise the Sale of 2005 Sterling Tandem Axle Plow Truck <br />Staff has received a trade-in appraisal of $40,000 for the existing 2005 Sterling plow truck <br />currently in operation. Staff feels this is an acceptable trade-in value, however, staff would like <br />the opportunity to sell the truck outright through a sealed bid format. In the past, this has proven <br />to increase the resale value of used equipment for the City. As in the past, the sealed bid process <br />would include a minimum bid amount that is equal to the $40,000 trade in appraisal. If the sealed <br />bid process were to fail and not produce a bid greater than the minimum bid required, the City <br />would then trade in the Sterling at the trade-in value of $40,000. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the request to advertise the sale of the 2005 Sterling plow truck and equipment <br />through a sealed bid process. <br />Approve Letter of Support for Veterans Diversion Program <br />At its August 2, 2010 meeting, the Hugo City Council was presented information on the <br />Veteran's Court initiative by Washington County Attorney Pete Orput. This program, now <br />known as the Veterans Diversion Program, assists veterans who have landed in the court system <br />due to actions related to mental health problems and substance abuse issues, symptoms of post- <br />traumatic stress syndrome. This program provides an alternate path to the typical criminal legal <br />process and has shown to be effective. Council Member and YRN Member Chuck Haas <br />requested staff prepare a letter supporting the Veterans Diversion Program for Council approval <br />and Mayor's signature. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the letter to Washington <br />County Attorney Pete Orput. <br />Approve Revisions to the City's Personnel Policy <br />Staff has reviewed the City's most recent Personnel Policy in comparison to the League's model <br />personnel policy and is recommending revisions. Many changes are due to the recently passed <br />Women's Economic Security Act. The law expands employees' leave rights and other workplace <br />protections, particularly for female employees. Also revised was the section on the Family and <br />Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to provide a separate detailed policy on FMLA. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the City's Personnel Policy as amended and the Family and Medical <br />Leave Policy as presented. <br />Approve Proclamation Proclaiminu October as Toastmasters Month <br />The City of Hugo has been contacted by a member of a Toastmasters group in White Bear Lake <br />requesting the City of Hugo proclaim the month of October as Toastmasters month. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the Proclamation proclaiming October as Toastmasters Month. <br />Public Hearin on 165th Street Proiect Assessment <br />At its September 2, 2014 meeting, the Council adopted the resolution declaring costs to be <br />assessed for the 165a' Street/Ingersoll Avenue mill and overlay project, and scheduled the <br />hearing on the proposed assessments for this evening. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided <br />details of the project and explained the total project cost would be $815,000. The total to be <br />assessed is $99,000, and according to the City's assessment policy, each unit would pay $1,800. <br />