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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />The remaining costs of $716,000 would come from City state -aid and capital improvement <br />funds. <br />The Mayor opened the public hearing to take comments on the assessments. There were no <br />comments, and the Mayor closed the public hearing. <br />Klein made motion, Haas seconded, to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2014 — 32 ADOPTING <br />ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 165TH STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on National Recycling, Inc. <br />Staff has been working with representatives of NRI and residents in the neighborhoods on issues <br />related to the recycling business on both NRI sites. City Administrator Bryan Bear explained <br />that staff has been having discussions with the neighborhoods regarding the noise made from the <br />movement of scrap on the property and the amount of scrap on the north site. Staff has met with <br />representatives from NRI to change loading methods to reduce noise. Bryan stated that a number <br />of improvements have been made on north site including the reduction of the scrap pile, paving <br />on north and south side, relocating the scale to help with traffic flow, construction of fence, and <br />landscaping to be installed shortly along the perimeter of the site. Though progress has been <br />made over the summer, NRI is still not in compliance, and nothing has happened according to <br />the established time line. Mayor and Council Member Petryk have been working with <br />neighborhood representatives to understand the practices for loading cars and come up with a <br />compliance site plan. Bryan stated he felt there have been good discussions, but there is no <br />detailed action plan. Bryan said he had talked with NRI Compliance Officer Ross Ohman who <br />assured him NRI is doing everything in their power to get it done, and he recognized they are <br />having difficulties meeting timelines. Bryan explained the options are to continue working <br />cooperatively with NRI owners for a solution, or have Council provide staff direction to take <br />some enforcement actions. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk to schedule an executive session at the City Council meeting on <br />October 20, 2014. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder explained that the Executive session will only relate to litigation <br />aspects, not details relating to how NRI operates. <br />Discussion on City's Role as LGU/Water Resource Management Permitting Authority <br />At its September 2, 2014 meeting, the City Council listened to remarks from Rice Creek <br />Watershed District Board Manager John Waller concerning overlapping taxation between the <br />City of Hugo and the RCWD. Manager Waller explained that in 2004, the City of Hugo <br />assumed responsibilities as the Local Governing Unit (LGU) pertaining to permitting for the <br />portion of the City that lies within the RCWD, saving the RCWD the expense of doing them. He <br />questioned what the residents were receiving for the $286,000 in taxes paid to the RCWD. <br />