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2014.11.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2014 CC Minutes
2014.11.03 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 3, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Discussion on Met Council's Water Demand Prosection Preliminary Results <br />The Metropolitan Council had provided the preliminary water demand projections based on the <br />Thrive MSP 2040 population forecasts. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained that these <br />projections will be used to update their Master Water Supply Plan, and they are requesting <br />comments by November 20, 2014. Questions being asked by the Met Council were: are the <br />demand estimates reasonable for planning; does the City plan to use the same water sources to <br />meet 2040; and is the City proposing new well fields or intakes? <br />Jay talked about the projected water usage according to the 2030 comprehensive plan, and the <br />2014 projected and estimated demand. The City of Hugo has had slower growth than <br />anticipated. The Met Council has now estimated a population to be served by water to be <br />slightly under 29,000 with a projected demand of 1.2 billion gallons per year. The 2030 projected <br />demand of 1.5 billion gallons per year was based on a 36,867 population. Jay suggested that one <br />comment to the Met Council could be to base it on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Jay also <br />stated that the approved water appropriations by the DNR is 650 million gallons per year that can <br />be pumped from the existing wells. <br />Klein asked what kind of credit the City could get for conserving water. Kennedy replied that it <br />would be difficult to measure, and projections do not take that into account. Staff will continue <br />to reinforce the City's interest in water conservation. <br />Hass asked about what the Met Council could do if we were out of compliance. Bear stated that <br />the Met Council does not regulate water usage but does have authority over regional planning <br />and could use that to control the direction of growth. <br />Kennedy explained that it was an option to respond to the Met Council's questions; but, if the <br />Council choses to, he suggested the Council respond by requesting use of the City's full build- <br />out numbers as shown in the Comprehensive Plan. Kennedy added that the City would need <br />additional wells to meet those demands. Haas suggested we comment on our goal to reduce <br />irrigation by reusing stormwater and explore using surface water to meet our demands. <br />Jay stated he had a clear understanding on how to respond to the Met Council's questions. No <br />formal action was taken. <br />Discussion on the Forest Lake YMCA <br />Mayor Weidt and City Administrator Bryan Bear had met with Forest Lake representatives to <br />learn about the partnership between the City of Forest Lake and the YMCA to construct a facility <br />on property donated to the YMCA by the City of Forest Lake. The property is located on <br />Headwaters Parkway near the Washington County Service Center. During the meeting, the <br />YMCA requested the City financially contribute to the project. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear provided information on the proposed 50,000 square foot facility. <br />The construction was scheduled to begin before July 31, 2015. He talked about special <br />covenants for Forest Lake residents and incentives that would be given to Hugo residents. <br />
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