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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 3, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />comments on the plan by November 24, 2014. Staff had prepared a draft letter for Council's <br />approval commenting on the County's CIP. City Administrator Bryan Bear had invited <br />Washington County Commissioner Miron and Deputy Public Works Director Wayne Sandberg <br />to the meeting to talk with Council about the CIP. <br />Miron thanked the City for the City -Wide Bus Tour and appreciated the talk about the projects in <br />Hugo that the County will be involved in. He complimented the City of Hugo on recent projects, <br />and he thanked Council Member Petryk for her involvement on the Transportation Advisory <br />Board. He introduced Wayne to talk about projects that are in the County's five-year CIP. <br />Wayne explained the five-year plan, which is fully funded with expected revenues. Funding <br />sources are state aid, gravel tax, federal funds, county program aid, bonds, local contributions, <br />and state grants. Wayne talked about improvements to the Hardwood Creek Trail, County Road <br />57 pavement, CSAH 7/8 intersection project, and improvements to CSAH 4 from TH 61 to <br />Manning (County Road 15). Also talked about was the future of TH61, which will ultimately <br />become a Washington County highway. <br />Haas asked about the intersection of Highway 96/County Road 15. Wayne explained that it will <br />be a roundabout. It will be funded through a state program, and they were currently working <br />with the state for approvals. <br />Bryan explained that in the draft letter to the County there was a request to move the CSAH 7/8 <br />intersection project forward from 2017 to 2015. There was talk about moving the County Road <br />57 project forward as well. <br />Commissioner Miron, talked about additional funding and said he appreciated Hugo's support of <br />the wheelage tax. The County will continue to work on polices to invest in roads without using <br />property taxes. He explained that the County continues to work on the economic development <br />strategic plan and the Thrive MSP 2040 plan, which is a tremendous concern because there are <br />policies in the plan that would send resources into the core cities and away from the suburbs. <br />The County is also working on a strategic plan for library services. <br />Klein talked about the lack of high speed internet in the rural area. Miron said the County is just <br />learning about the need for this in many areas. <br />Mayor Weidt thanked Miron for his support of Hugo, and Haas said he appreciated the County's <br />encouragement of economic development with transportation infrastructure improvements. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the letter to the Washington County Engineer. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />