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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 7, 2013 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />Approve Appointment of Depository for City Funds <br />Each year, Council selects a depository/bank for the deposit of City funds. For many years, <br />Council has selected the local Hugo branch of US Bank. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved U.S. Bank -Hugo as the official depository for City funds for 2013. <br />Approve Appointment of Official Newspaper <br />Each year, Council selects a newspaper as the official publication for all public notices and <br />publishing of ordinances. For the past six years, the City Council appointed The Citizen as the <br />City's new official newspaper, and The Citizen would like to continue to provide this service at a <br />slightly increased rate. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved The Citizen as the City's <br />official newspaper for 2013. <br />Approve Appointments to Hugo Firefighter Relief Association <br />Minnesota State Statute requires the official appointment of the ex -officio members of the Hugo <br />Fire Department Relief Association Board. Council must appoint two elected or appointed <br />members. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Mayor Tom Weidt with <br />Councilmember Chuck Haas as his designee in his absence and Finance Director Ron Otkin as ex - <br />officio members of the Hugo Fire Department Relief Association Board. <br />Approve Appointment of Chair for Planning Commission <br />Planning Commissioner Rick Gwynn has served as chairperson for the Planning Commission <br />since November 21, 2011, and he has indicated his willingness to continue to serve as Chair of <br />the Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reappointment of Rick Gwynn <br />as Chair of the Planning Commission for 2013. <br />Approve Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for the Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Jim Taylor has served as Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission for the past three years <br />with Rachel Berger serving as Vice Chair since 2007. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the reappointment of Jim Taylor as Chair and Rachel Berger as Vice Chair for the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission for 2013. <br />Approve Appointment of Chair of Historical Commission <br />Annually, the City Council appoints a member of the Historical Commission to serve as the <br />Chair of the Commission. Kitty Cheesebrow has served as the Chair of the Commission for the <br />past several years. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reappointment of Kitty <br />Cheesebrow to serve as the Chair of the Historical Commission for 2013. <br />Approve Renewal of Term for Tom Weidt as the City Council Representative on the Board <br />of Zoning Appeals and Adjustments <br />Annually, the Hugo City Council appoints a member of the Planning Commission, City Council, <br />and a resident to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustments. Tom Weidt has agreed <br />