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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 1, 2013 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Discussion on Formation of Broadband Committee <br />Council Member Phil Klein and staff have been meeting with residents in the rural areas of Hugo <br />who feel they are underserved in high-speed internet connection, and the residents seemed <br />receptive of the idea of working together on a solution. Council Member Klein said that local <br />focus was needed to put real effort into it. Council Member Haas would like to see what <br />opportunities are out there and acknowledged that, through his own experiences, residents don't <br />always get the correct answers from the providing companies. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to appoint Council Member Phil Klein as chair of the <br />Broadband Committee to consist of 5-7 people, and direct staff to advertise for committee <br />members. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Rosemary Way Petition for Public Improvements <br />The City received a petition from property owner Len Pratt to construct Rosemary Way between <br />its existing end within Victor Garden's North Village and Everton Avenue. The improvements <br />would include roadway, sidewalks, public and private utilities, and storm water management. <br />The petition includes a request to assess the cost of the improvements to the adjacent properties <br />owned by the petitioner. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an overview of this issue for the City Council. Kennedy <br />explained the project was not included in the five-year CIP, and the Assessment Policy states that <br />the project cost would be assessed. The City would fund it through the City CIP and Utility <br />Fund, and all cost would be covered by assessments from the two vacant lots in the development, <br />except the over sizing of the water main. The City would accrue interest until the assessment was <br />due, which would be when the property is sold, subdivided, or development takes place. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder talked about the Preliminary Fee Escrow Agreement, where Everton <br />Investments, LLP would deposit $6,500 into escrow for the feasibility study. The Council would <br />have further discussions on it prior to the construction of the road. <br />Council Member Haas indicated he was not comfortable with this arrangement; development <br />should support itself as always in the past. There is no provision for it in the Assessment Policy, <br />and Haas felt the City should not be financing it. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the Preliminary Fee Escrow Agreement for the <br />Feasibility Study. <br />Everton Investments Developer Len Pratt said he was willing to pay the $6,500 for the study, and <br />the road would also benefit surrounding area. <br />Haas made motion to table the discussion. Motion died for lack of second. <br />