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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2013 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Hugo Fire Department Annual Report — Fire Chief Kevin Colvard <br />Hugo Fire Chief Kevin Colvard provided a report on the activities of the Hugo Fire Department <br />in 2012. Chief Colvard stated there were a total of 573 calls for service, and he recapped the <br />types of calls and time of day calls were received. He stated that many of the alarm calls were <br />due to the lack of maintenance on smoke and carbon monoxide detection alarms. The goal of the <br />Department was to reduce those calls through public education. In 2012, the Department spent <br />1,468 hours on drill training, and has three new recruits who made it through EMT basic <br />training. Chief Colvard also talked about the many community events the Fire Department <br />participated in. Mayor Weidt thanked the Fire Department for their involvement in the search <br />for Ray Novakovic when he went missing on July 21, 2013. <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept the 2012 Fire Department Annual Report as <br />presented by Fire Chief Kevin Colvard. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Special Event Permit for Good Neighbor Harvest Fest on September 14, 2013 — Hugo Lions <br />For the past two years, The Hugo Lions Club held a Hugo Hoedown Festival on a Saturday in <br />September. This year, the Hugo Lions are changing the event to the Good Neighbor Harvest <br />Festival and modifying the event to be more family and kid -friendly. Committee Chair Mike <br />Sherrill explained the event will include games for adults and children, a petting zoo, inflatables, <br />beanbag tournament, flea market/craft show, and disk jockey. There will be beer, chili, and hot <br />dogs for sale. The goal is intended to be a fund raiser; however Mike said they would be lucky <br />to break even. Mike requested the City of Hugo waive the Special Event Permit Fee and <br />provide the cost of a Sheriff Deputy, who will staff the event from 3p.m.-close. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded to co-sponsor the Good Neighbor Harvest Fest event by <br />waiving the permit fee and providing police security on Saturday, September 14, 2013. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Tour de Hugo on September, 14, 2013 — Parks Planner Shavla Severson <br />The third annual Tour de Hugo will be held in Lions Park on Saturday, September 14, 2013. <br />There are ride options for all ages and abilities: 6, 24, 32, and 45 miles. Parks Planner Shayla <br />Syverson explained this event will be held prior to the opening of the Harvest Festival with the <br />first ride to start at 8:OOam. Following the ride, riders receive free lunch at the Harvest Fest. The <br />2013 honorary King of the Mountain is Fire Chief Kevin Colvard, who will emcee the event. <br />Sponsors include: Oneka Chiropractic, Boyd's Promos, Snap Fitness, Postal Credit Union, Lake <br />Area Bank, and Kinder Gardens Child Development Center. <br />