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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2013 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />Approve Renewal of Terms for Historical Commissioners Trina Oswald, Joyce Granger, <br />and Cynthia Schoonover <br />Historical Commissioners Trina Oswald, Joyce Granger, and Cynthia Schoonover have terms <br />that expire at the end of this year. Both Viola and Grace have indicated a desire to serve another <br />term on the Historical Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />reappointment of Trina Oswald, Joyce Granger, and Cynthia Schoonover to the Historical <br />Commission for another three-year term to expire December 31, 2016. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Building Inspector Scott Baller <br />Scott Baller was hired by the City as one of its new building inspectors on January 1, 2006. <br />Over the past seven years, Scott has completed building inspector duties as well as provided <br />coverage for the front counter. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for Building Inspector Scott Baller. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Planner Rachel Juba <br />Rachel Juba was hired as the City's new Associate Planner on January 2, 2007 and promoted to <br />Planner in 2010. Over the past seven years, Rachel has worked in the Community Development <br />Department and provides support for the Economic Development Authority and Planning <br />Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for <br />Planner Rachel Juba. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for PW Worker Ryan McCullough <br />Ryan McCullough was hired on January 2, 2007 as the City of Hugo's new Public Works <br />Maintenance Worker. Ryan has worked over the past seven years in a wide variety of the duties <br />completed by the Public Works Department including snowplowing, landscape maintenance, <br />sewer work, and water work. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance <br />review for Public Works Maintenance Worker Ryan McCullough. <br />Approve Agreement with Hugo Snowmobile Club for Equipment Storage <br />Last year, the Hugo Snowmobile Club used the Public Works site for the storage of their trail <br />grooming equipment. This equipment was parked outside behind the main building. In return, <br />the Club groomed the cross country ski trail at the park on Irish Avenue. Public Works Director <br />Scott Anderson has drafted a formal agreement for the long term exterior storage of the <br />grooming equipment at the Public Works Facility. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the agreement with the Hugo Snowmobile Club for exterior equipment storage at the Public <br />Works facility. <br />Approve Rescheduling the January 20, 2014 meeting to January 21, 2014 due to the Martin <br />Luther King Day Holiday <br />Annually, the Council cancels or reschedules the second meeting in January due to the Martin <br />