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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 5, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />Position <br />Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2012 Dust Control Project <br />Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2012 Seal Coating Project <br />Approve Cooperative Agreement with Washington County for CSAH 8 Pavement Overlay <br />Proj ect <br />Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specs for Bald Eagle/Lake Air Estates Street <br />Improvement Project <br />Approve Pay Request No. 10 for Municipal Production Well No. 6 <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Revisions to the Tobacco Ordinance and Summary Ordinance for Publication. <br />Washington County recently revised their Youth Access to Tobacco Ordinance in accordance with <br />the Minnesota Tobacco Modernization and Compliance Act of 2010. This new act requires all <br />tobacco and tobacco related devices to be placed behind the counter, and has expanded the <br />definitions to include other nicotine delivery devices such as electronic cigarettes. Staff has <br />revised Hugo City Code Tobacco Ordinance to comply with the Tobacco Modernization and <br />Compliance Act. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved ORDINANCE 2012-463 <br />AMENDING HUGO CITY CODE, CHAPTER 38, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, <br />ARTICLE III - TOBACCO, TO INCLUDE NICOTINE OR LOBELIA DELIVERY DEVICES <br />AND REQUIRE BEHIND COUNTER STORAGE OF PRODUCTS and approved the summary <br />ordinance for publication. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Building Department Secretary Debi Close <br />Debi Close was hired as the City's Building Department Receptionist on March 20, 2006. For the <br />past six years, Debi has performed duties which involve an extensive amount of customer service <br />duties both at the front counter and on the telephone scheduling inspections with contractors. Debi <br />also works as the secretary to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the annual performance review for Building Department Receptionist Debi <br />Close. <br />Approve the Use of Public Streets for Two Run Events Hosted by Final Stretch Inc. <br />For several years, White Bear Lake running officials have held running events around the Bald <br />Eagle Lake area. Races are held at the Ramsey County Beach on Bald Eagle Lake and follow a <br />secured route which includes a short portion in the City of Hugo. Final Stretch Inc. has contacted <br />the City staff about the run events. Final Stretch Inc. will hold their Northern Lakes event on May <br />12, 2012, and their Get Ready To Rock event on September 8, 2012. The events do not require a <br />Special Event Permit because the starting line, finish line, parking, registration, and facilities will <br />