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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 19, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />on the environmental review rulemaking pertaining to the timeframe for AUAR updates. Staff will <br />report back to Council on the results of that meeting. <br />Andi Moffatt of WSB & Associates presented the findings of the updated AUAR to the Council <br />which resulted in minor changes. Andi explained that unless the rules change, the update would be <br />valid through 2017. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the update to the AUAR as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Joint Power Agreement with City of Grant, White Bear Township, and Washington <br />County for Goodview Avenue Improvements <br />At its March 3, 2012 meeting, the Council was updated on the meeting held with elected officials <br />of the City of Grant, and White Bear Township on February 15, 2012 to discuss Goodview Avenue <br />between CSAH 7 and the southern Hugo City limit. A joint project had been proposed in 2008 that <br />involved Hugo, White Bear Township, Washington County, and the City of Grant, which was <br />never approved. This issue has resurfaced due to the high level of traffic anticipated during the <br />summer resurfacing project on TH61 that will cause single lane traffic and short term closures; <br />traffic will be diverted to local streets. Council directed staff to prepare a cooperative agreement <br />between the City of Hugo, the City of Grant, Washington County, and White Bear Township to <br />improve the section of Goodview Avenue from the south Hugo border to CSAH 7. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy explained the proposed improvements would include subgrade repair and graveling, <br />replacing the culvert within the paved area, and paving the rural section roadway. The proposed <br />cost sharing of the project is estimated at $80,000 to be split between the four entities. The City of <br />Grant discussed this at their March 6, 2012 meeting, and will be holding a meeting with the <br />residents. The City of Hugo staff is in the process of obtaining quotes. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to adopt the Joint Powers Agreement and forward it to the <br />City of Grant, White Bear Township, and Washington County along with the quotes obtained by <br />the City for the improvements. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Lions Park Planning <br />At their meeting of March 14, 2012, the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission discussed <br />next steps for planning of Lions Park that will include determining a scope of improvements (park <br />shelter, parking, stormwater, etc.), cost estimates, and potential revenue sources. The Parks <br />Commission is recommending that stakeholder meetings be held prior to the regularly scheduled <br />Parks meeting and that a request for proposals be sent out for a consultant. Planner Shayla <br />Syverson provided to Council the planning background on the park which began in July 2010. <br />Guidelines that were approved by Council on November 21, 2011 included a multi-purpose <br />shelter, walking paths, and playground equipment. A consultant would help to determine the <br />scope of improvements as well as develop a preliminary design, after which revenue sources could <br />be discussed. <br />