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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 18, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Approve Resolution Accepting Donation from Dead Broke Saddle Club to the Hugo Fire <br />Department <br />The City of Hugo has received a check in the amount of $3,000 from the Dead Broke Saddle <br />Club to go towards the purchase of equipment for the Heavy Rescue Vehicle for the Hugo Fire <br />Department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION NO. 2012-17 <br />ACCEPTING DONATION FROM THE DEAD BROKE SADDLE CLUB. <br />Approve Memorandum of Agreement for Salt Brine Cost Share Program <br />On behalf of the City of Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbus, Lino Lakes, and Hugo, the City of <br />Centerville has secured a grant from the Rice Creek Watershed District to implement a Sodium <br />Chloride Management Project. Funds will be used to purchase anti -icing equipment to apply <br />liquid salt brine in advance of winter storms, which will significantly lower the overall use of <br />road salt. The Rice Creek Watershed District will be contributing $65,000 towards the project <br />with the remaining $90,000 to be split among the six cities. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the Memorandum of Agreement for the Salt -Brine Cost Share program. <br />Approve Letter to MnDot on Roundabout Discussion Items <br />At the May 21, 2012 meeting, Council heard a presentation from Marc Briese with MnDOT <br />regarding the improvements proposed at the intersection of Highway 61 and 1701h Street (CSAH <br />4). The City Council discussed the issue further at their June 4, 2012 meeting when property <br />owner Dick Tschida appeared before the Council. At the June 4 meeting, Council directed City <br />staff to prepare a letter to MnDot outlining questions and concerns raised at the May 21 and June <br />4 meetings. A draft letter in this regard was included in the Council packet, and City staff <br />recommended that the City Council approve the letter for forwarding to MnDot and Washington <br />County officials. <br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of property owner Dick Tschida <br />who provided Council with information on costs associated with the TH61/Broadway Avenue <br />roundabout project in Forest Lake. Dick provided several reasons that he felt a roundabout at <br />CSAH 4 made no sense. Mr. Tschida was informed an open house has been scheduled by <br />MnDOT to discuss this project with property and business owners. <br />Petryk made motion, Miron seconded, to schedule June 28, 2012 as a meeting of the City <br />Council to attend the MnDot Open House on the TH61/CSAH 4 intersection project to be held at <br />Hugo City Hall from 5-7p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to direct City Engineer Jay Kennedy to forward the letter to <br />MnDOT outlining questions/concerns regarding the intersection project, including a list of <br />questions from Dick Tschida, and to have a written -type format for public to question/comment <br />on the project at the open house. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />