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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 18, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />Washington County Board will consider the agreement at their June 19, 2012 meeting. City staff <br />had obtained four quotes for the paving project, and a summary was provided to the Council. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved awarding of the paving contract to Brochman <br />Blacktopping in the amount of $73,159.70 for the paving of Goodview Avenue. <br />Approve Resolution Appointing 2012 Election Judges <br />A number of residents will serve as election judges for the City of Hugo's Primary and General <br />Elections in 2012. City Clerk Michele Lindau prepared a resolution listing the election judges <br />who will be staffing the four precincts. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2012-15 APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR PRIMARY AND GENERAL <br />ELECTIONS IN THE YEAR 2012. <br />Approve Revisions to Personnel Policy on New Fire Fighter Residency Requirements <br />The Hugo Personnel Policy currently states that to be eligible for a firefighter position, <br />firefighters must have resided in the City of Hugo for more than six months. The requirement <br />excludes qualified candidates who have recently moved into the City or are in the process. Fire <br />Chief Kevin Colvard is proposing to amend the personal policy to omit the six-month <br />requirement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the revision to the personnel policy as <br />proposed by Fire Chief Kevin Colvard. <br />Approve Hiring of Adam Sauerwein, Kevin O'Neil, and Zac Wellner as Probationary <br />Hugo Fire Fighters <br />The Hugo Fire Department Hiring Committee had recently completed the hiring process on three <br />applicants. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Adam Sauerwein and Kevin <br />O'Neil as probationary firefighters on the Fire Department, and the hiring of Zac Wellner as a <br />probationary firefighter pending the closing on his Hugo residence by June 28, 2012. <br />Approve Completion of Probationary Status and Appointment as Regular Firefighter for <br />Kevin Kriegshauser <br />Training Officer Jake Christiansen has confirmed that Kevin Kriegshauser has completed the <br />necessary training and courses during his two year probation period, which ended on May 3, <br />2012. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved removing Kevin Krieshauser from <br />probationary status and giving him the rank of Firefighter on the Hugo Fire Department. <br />Approve Resolution Accepting Donation from Bayport American Legion to the Hugo Fire <br />Department <br />On April 16, 2012, the owner of Sal's Angus Grill presented to the Council a check in the <br />amount of $3,000 to the City of Hugo to go towards the purchase of equipment for the Heavy <br />Rescue Vehicle for the Hugo Fire Department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2012-16 ACCEPTING DONATION FROM THE BAYPORT LEGION. <br />