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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 16, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />associations conducting gambling at establishments located in Hugo and requested the <br />information be submitted to the City by July 11, 2012. Staff explained to Council that the <br />organizations have until the 20th of the month to prepare and submit their reports to the state. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to consolidate the information and provide it <br />to the Council at the next meeting. <br />Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Haas suggested presenting the gambling ordinance as an option and invite the organizations to <br />the meeting. <br />Public Hearing on Renewal of Home Occupation Interim Use Permit for Terry Luedeke <br />for Auto Repair Business <br />Terry Luedeke, 17627 Henna Avenue North, requested renewal of his interim use permit (IUP) <br />for a home occupation for a motor vehicle repair business on his property. Staff had scheduled a <br />public hearing for this evening to consider this request. <br />Mayor Fran Miron explained that Mr. Luedeke has worked on his vehicles, and he farms land <br />adjacent to the Luedeke property. He excused himself from discussion and turned the gavel over <br />to Acting Mayor Becky Petryk. <br />There are three criteria applicants need to meet in order for the City Council to renew an IUP for <br />a home occupation. It is in staff's opinion that Mr. Luedeke did not meet all the criteria <br />necessary to approve a renewal of the IUP and recommended denial. In review of the permit, <br />staff has found the Mr. Luedeke was not complying with two of the conditions listed in the IUP; <br />there were more business related vehicles on the property than allowed, and vehicles were not <br />stored in the designated area. Administrator Bryan Bear explained staff continues to receive <br />complaints regarding hours of operation and excessive traffic. <br />Terry Luedeke was joined by Frank Puleo, 6575 165th Street North, who spoke for Luedeke <br />stating Terry was unaware he was violating the IUP regarding the number of vehicles since many <br />of them were personal vehicles, including those owned by his roommates. Terry had also been <br />storing snow on the back part of the storage area and has not since violated the conditions of the <br />permit. Frank showed pictures of the property and pointed out the number of trees screening the <br />property and the distances between properties. He also stated that nothing in the IUP ordinance <br />addresses the number of employees or hours of operations, and Terry voluntarily agreed to <br />restrictions. He has complied with those conditions, so it should not be considered as business <br />growth. Frank also stated that the shared driveway suffers in the winter and it was decided not to <br />gravel in the fall. Terry has since put 3074 tons of gravel on the road and graded it. He <br />explained that Terry also has spoke to suppliers and customers to limit the vehicle trips per day <br />and trailers on the property, and he does what he can to move the vehicles as quickly as possible. <br />It was Frank Puleo's opinion that Terry was doing all he could to help the situation. <br />Acting Mayor Becky Petryk opened the public hearing. <br />