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2012.07.16 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2012 CC Minutes
2012.07.16 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 16, 2012 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Art Luedeke, father of Terry, explained Terry has gone out of his way to appease everyone and <br />has performed work off his property in order to comply. He said Terry has been an asset to the <br />neighborhood by purchasing the foreclosed home and working hard to fix it up. <br />Terry's roommate Anthony stated that he leaves early in the morning and returns home late at <br />night and has never been disturbed by any noise on the property. He said the cars are neatly <br />parked out of sight; Terry rarely works on Saturday, and works on personal vehicles in the <br />evenings. <br />Brent Krause, 17590 Henna, stated he was not aware that Terry even had a business on his <br />property and had no complaints. <br />John Lutz stated that it was great to have Terry available to fix farm equipment, and Terry has <br />told him when he can and cannot bring vehicles to his property in order to be in compliance. <br />Vince Niemczyk, 17233 Henna Avenue North, stated the horse shows on the property to the <br />north of Terry cause more problems on Henna than Terry does. Vince said he is in the field all <br />day long that is in close proximity to the Luedeke property, and he does not hear anything. <br />A customer of Luedeke's from Marine on the St. Croix said Terry has had him come get his <br />vehicle and has driven his truck to his house just to stay in compliance with his IUP. <br />Laura Donahue, 13926 Flay Avenue North, said the company she works for is a supplier for <br />Luedeke, and that Terry is very honest. He provides a means for her to provide for her family. <br />Tom Ryden, 17687 Henna Avenue North, said his property abuts the private drive, and he has no <br />complaints. <br />Joe Wewers, 15880 Harrow Avenue North, said he thought Terry has more than done his work to <br />comply with the City, and the Council should take into consideration what Terry has done for the <br />community. <br />Mike Rokala, 17567 Henna Avenue North, stated that he felt Terry was a good guy but he did <br />not like the noise or the hours of traffic. The business violates six of the thirteen conditions <br />consistently, and at times there are up to 30 vehicles parked on the property. There are more trips <br />to the property and vehicles stored than allowed and he has violated hours worked. Mike said he <br />noted 33 times he could hear Terry working and there was a lot of work done outside. He <br />violated the rules consistently and there was too much noise and impacts. He said another <br />neighbor, Joe, has also complained and directed Mike to take pictures. Mike also stated that the <br />road has been deteriorating faster since Terry was there. It was Mike Rokala's opinion that this <br />was not a business that belonged in that location. <br />There were no other comments, and Acting Mayor Petryk closed the public hearing. <br />Council Member Klein stated he had visited the site and found the vehicles to be completely out <br />of sight, and the distance and trees between buildings made it difficult for him to believe there <br />was a lot of noise. <br />
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