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2012.08.20 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2012 CC Minutes
2012.08.20 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />council schedule the Citywide Bus Tour for Saturday, September 29, 2012. Staff also suggested <br />meeting at the Hanifl Shelter for a 10 a.m. departure and return to the shelter at approximately <br />noon for a BBQ lunch. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule the Citywide Bus Tour for Saturday, <br />September 29, 2012 at 10 a.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Gusset Design <br />At its June 18, 2012 meeting, Council discussed with Gusset Design owner Rick Burr his <br />progress on compliance with the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) that was granted for the property <br />at 15587 Forest Boulevard North in 2007 for the expansion of a legal non -conforming use. <br />Council had directed staff to work with Rick on an amendment to the CUP to allow the <br />construction of an exterior building. Staff had been receiving complaints regarding sandblasting <br />outside the building, and an amendment to the CUP would allow construction of a portable blast <br />booth with a dust collector that would abate the dust and noise. Instead of using sand, they <br />would use steel shot in the blasting booth, which is reused and does not create the dust that sand <br />does. The current CUP prohibits exterior storage on the property. <br />Community Development Intern Liz Hanson explained that the application for a Conditional Use <br />Permit Amendment was considered by the Planning Commission at its Thursday, August 9, 2012 <br />meeting. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request with the conditions <br />listed in the CUP and Resolution. <br />Rick Burr was present, and he addressed the Council stating he did not want to add more <br />conditions to the CUP; specifically, the condition stating there would be no other exterior storage <br />on the property. Conditions were also added to require the installation of the landscaping as <br />shown on the plan dated August 28, 2007, and the parking spaces to be assessable should parking <br />become an issue at any time. It was noted that the location of the booth would use nine of the <br />existing parking spaces. Rick also stated he would not be able to comply with the October 17, <br />2012 deadline for compliance since he had to go through the CUP amendment process. He <br />requested a six-month extension. <br />Council discussed with Rick the landscaping plan from 2007 and why it was never done. Rick <br />stated the building fire had set him back, and he questioned the necessity of it since it bordered <br />other industrial uses to the north and the creek to the east. Council was comfortable with Rick <br />working with staff on revisions and substitutions as stated in one of the conditions of the <br />amended CUP. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2012-23 APPROVING A <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR RICK BURR TO ALLOW AN <br />EXPANSION OF A LEGAL NON -CONFORMING INDUSTRIAL USE ON THE PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 15587 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH, with a change of the date from <br />October 17, 2012 to December 17, 2012 to have all sandblasting conducted indoors or within the <br />booth. <br />
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